- 这个是本人写的题库系统,开发工具是vb.net.试题编辑,试卷编辑,可以在word中编辑试题.由于时间关系,很多功能需要细化. -I write this is the database system, development tools is vb.net. Questions edit, edit papers, the word can edit questions. Because of the time, many functions needed to be refined.
- This the project fro convert numeric value into words i.e. convert numeric value of money into word -This is the project fro convert numeric value into words i.e. convert numeric value of money into word
- S50及其兼容卡密钥控制字算法程序, 版本V1.0 卡的密钥区中间4字节的控制算法程序,方便快捷。 支持卡片 一、MF1 S50 原装芯片:PHILIPS MF1 IC S50(菲利浦公司) 二、MF1 S50 兼容芯片: 1、FM11RF08(复旦公司) 2、IS23SC4439(ISSI公司) 3、SHC1104(华虹公司) 4、SLE44R35(英飞凌公司) 5、BL75R06(贝岭公司) 支持读写器 北京友我科技有限公
- This a crossword/wordsearch solver (whichever one you call it). It is a full application, works perfectly on my computer. I attached a .cws (crossword solver) file in the ZIP. Start up the application, load up that cws file and press search . It will
- 我们知道老师书写评语是一件特别辛苦的事情。于是我就想能自己开发一个程序,这个程序不仅能根据对某位学生的“德、智、体、美、劳”表现(优秀、良好、一般、差)简单的选择,自动生成相应的评语,还可选择相应的寄语,以及加入个人的评语。对生成的评语还可以进行修改,最后生成一个文本文件(.txt),我们便可导入或粘贴到wps或word中进行排版打印。本次毕业设计我用vb6.0所开发的“学生评语生成系统”程序圆满地实现了以上功能。本论文对如何使用vb6.0通过调用windows API函数,做了较为详细的介绍。
- 本算法主要是16QAM的算法,通过基带调制和解调,将码字映射到I和Q星座图上,并在不同的SNR下,将理论误码率和实际误码率比较,经验证有效。适合初学者逐步学习QAM。-The algorithm This algorithm is 16QAM, by the base band modulation and demodulation, the code word is mapped to the I and Q constellation and under different SNR, the
- it will shrink the i/p image
- BetterWMF这款软件我已经使用一段时间了,经过它在剪贴板中处理后的CAD图形,粘贴到Word文档中,打印出来的效果相当棒。-BetterWMF this software I have used for a long time, after it on the clipboard after CAD graphics, paste it into a Word document, print out the effect is quite good.
- 随便做一个android手机端类似论坛样的demo玩玩为啥上传还要字数限制呢?真是郁闷,我只是想下点东西-Just make an android phone end demo play similar forums like why even upload word limit it? Really depressed, I just want something under