- 一个DOS下的学生信息管理系统,使用了多中数值算法,有HASH查找,归并排序,快速排序,对排序-The management of student information in DOS,which uses several algorithms.for example,HASH search,return compositor,quick compositor,pair compositor.
- 一个学生信息管理系统,使用了多中数值算法,有HASH查找,归并排序,堆排序,快速排序,界面也不错-a student information management system, using a number of numerical algorithms, hash search, merging, in order of ranking reactor, rapid sequencing, and the interface is good
- 针对肖田元教授所著的《系统仿真导论》中龙格库塔法参考程序研究生很难看懂的现象,我加上了注释,使初学者能把学习算法和编写程序对应起来,从而可以有效地掌握算法的实现,对于用龙格库塔法进行在线实时仿真、建模、最优控制及自适应控制的教学有意义。,Professor Xiao Tianyuan for the book " Introduction to System Simulation," in reference to Runge-Kutta method is difficu
- 针对肖田元教授所著的《系统仿真导论》中面向结构图法参考程序研究生很难看懂的现象,我加上了注释,使初学者能把学习算法和编写程序对应起来,从而可以有效地掌握算法的实现,对于用面向结构图法进行在线实时仿真、建模、最优控制及自适应控制的教学有意义。-Professor Xiao Tianyuan for the book " Introduction to System Simulation" in reference to France for the chart is diffic
- 该系统为用C#实现的图书管理系统,包括以下几个模块:客户信息维护模块、图书信息维护模块、用户信息管理模块、客户租还书管理模块、综合查询模块 -Experimental realization of linear generation computer graphics algorithms, graphical interface structure, in the window, enter the two ends of the line, just select th
- 在函数中进行 10个学生成绩从高到低排名, 再改进函数, 进行 n个学生成绩从高到低排名, 排名方式根据函数的style参数进行,如style为‘a 按升序排,style为 d 按降序排。 ( a:ascending 升,d:descending 降) 编写多个不同函数,使之能实现不同的排序算法(3种以上),再编写一个通用输出函数,(要求用函数指针做参数)能分别打印不同排序算法的结果。 步骤、方法与要求 -10 in the function were ranked from hi
- 书中有C语言编写的常见的游戏及应用程序,具体内容如下: 案例一 贪吃蛇游戏; 案例二 计算器; 案例三 黑白棋游戏; 案例四 迷宫问题; 案例五 扫地雷游戏; 案例六 速算24; 案例七 数据结构CAI系统; 案例八 进程调度; 案例九 存储管理分区分配算法; 案例十 通讯录; 案例十一 学生成绩管理; 案例十二 工资管理; 案例十三 图书借阅管理; 案例十四 教师工作量计算;-The book written in the C langu
- This is a library of algorithms implementation in c-This is a library of algorithms implementation in c++
- Simulation of CPU scheduling. It will take on a group of 200 processes and execute them in an orderly fashion based on a particular algorithm the program will follow. The scheduling algorithms include, First Come First Serve, Shortest Job First and
- Edge detection software used in image processing algorithms it uses Prewitt and Sobel Operators [3x3][5x5][7x7] -Edge detection software used in image processing algorithms it uses Prewitt and Sobel Operators [3x3][5x5][7x7]
- 这是一篇有关交巡警配置的数学建模研究生竞赛。本文作者较详细的阐述了他的思路和算法,并给出了清晰地结果,值得学习。-This is a relevant mathematical modeling Patrol configuration Graduate race. The author describes in detail his ideas and algorithms, and gives clear results, it is worth learning.
- In the computer science field of artificial intelligence, a genetic algorithm (GA) is a search heuristic that mimics the process of natural selection. This heuristic (also sometimes called a metaheuristic) is routinely used to generate useful solutio