- 卷积码编译码器前段时间在学校做通信系统课程设计,选了信道卷积码编译码的课题,但在网上搜遍了也没找到它的MatLab实现,没办法,我只好在图书馆查资料自己解决了。这就是我课程设计论文的论证部分: -Convolutional codes codecs done some time ago in school communications systems curriculum design, selection of channel convolutional codes codec issue
- I have submitted 5 matlab codes which are self made related to PAPR reduction, gabor filter, histogram, loading etc-I have submitted 5 matlab codes which are self made related to PAPR reduction, gabor filter, histogram, loading etc
- 求解模型、仿真模拟以及画图的matlab编码-There are two main sets of matlab codes.1. Solving model, simulation, and plotting.2. Government policies. There are three government policies.