- 9分 自带OA系统的进销存仓库管理系统正式 【9分 在友欧的原系统上增加了很多模块,也加入了恶心的广告的系统,部分模块可以调用】 - 副本-The 9 points comes OA system Invoicing warehouse management system officially jinxiaocunwrzcnet many modules [9 points in the Friends of Europe' s original system, also joined t
- 这是给一家广告设计公司设计的一款业务管理系统。基于对话框的程序,采用Access数据库,同时提供了Excel报表的生成功能。-This is to design an advertising design company, a business management system. Based on the dialog box procedure, using Access database, also provides functions for generating Excel repor