- 卡尔曼滤波器,敏感器组合形式为数字太阳敏感器+磁强计+速率陀螺,具体的参数物理含义请见文件中的注释,航天人依旧一目了然-Kalman filter sensor combinations for the digital sun sensor+ magnetometer+ rate gyroscope, specifically the physical meaning of parameters see comments in the file, astronauts still at a gl
- 航天常用姿态确定敏感器组合,太阳敏感器+速率陀螺+轨道罗盘,具体数据含义请参考章仁为的<《卫星姿态控制》>-Spacecraft attitude determination sensors commonly used in combination, sun sensor+ rate gyro compass+ tracks, the meaning of specific data please refer to Chapter Ren' s < " Satell
- 太阳同步卫星及其轨道计算,用于设计太阳同步轨道,并且给出一个实例,介绍卫星轨道参数的计算方法-sun-synchronous satellites and their orbital calculations for the design of a sun-synchronous orbit, and an example is given, satellite orbit parameters calculation method
- 汽车空调自动控制源代码控制机理和温度阳光车速信号采集处理-Automotive air conditioning automatic control mechanism and source code control vehicle speed signal acquisition and processing temperature of the sun
- 太阳的直射点经纬度计算方法如下: 根据基础的地理知识, 纬度:太阳高度角为90度的地方的纬度 经度:当地时间为正午12点的地方的经度 经度比较好算,一天24小时,地球360度, 经度每差一度,时间差4分钟 经度几乎是每分钟都会变化的,纬度则是每天变化-Latitude and longitude of the sun s direct point calculated as follows: According to the foundation of g
- 计算在地球岁差、章动、极移,太阳及太阳系各大行星摄动等影响下的较高精度月球轨道-Calculation of the Earth precession, nutation, polar motion, the sun and the solar system planets perturbed other high precision under the influence of the moon s orbit
- 路鼎在线制浆站4.0触摸屏程序。由孙宝武编写本程序由昆仑通态6.67嵌入版开发工作稳定现己批量。-Luding online pulping station 4 touch screen program. Written by sun Baowu, this program by the Kunlun state 6.67 embedded development work has stable mass.
- 模型数值验证非定常流体力学大作业孙晓峰老师-geritzer Numerical model validation unsteady hydrodynamic big job sun Xiaofeng teacher
- gritzer模型数值验证非定常流体力学大作业孙晓峰老师-gritzer Numerical model validation unsteady hydrodynamic big job sun Xiaofeng teacher