- VC++处学者可能用到的小程序,是著名的JOSEPHUS问题,书上已经有,但本人又编了一边-VC Office scholars might use the small program is the famous JOSEPHUS, there was a book, but I also produced a side
- 实现了一个简单的个人事务助理的工具,主要介绍了VC数据库方面的编程,并且介绍了CFormView视图类的使用,CTabCtrl控件的使用,高级标签控件类的实现,建立ODBC数据源的建立,利用数据集访问数据库操作结果等。-achieve a simple personal assistant tool, introduced the VC database programming, CFormView and introduced the use of the View class, CTabCt
- 用VC开发的背单词小软件,可以增删改词库,并设有用户管理功能,能区分一般用户和管理员,不同的用户对词库的控制使用能力不同。-with VC words on the back of small software can be changed to delete thesaurus and a user management functions. able to distinguish between users and the general managers, different users
- 该程序是在VC++6.0环境中,用C++语言编写的,分三个模块:一个是程序框架模块,实现程序的框架结构;二是声卡采样模块,实现声卡对外部模拟信号的采样;三是对采得的信号进行频率值计算。-procedures in the VC 6.0 environment, the use of the C language in three separate modules : is a procedural framework modules, achieving procedural framework
- MS VC++. Calculator of console application. A language is Russian.
- 一个很好的个人理财软件。采用VC++6.0开发环境,调试通过。-A good personal finance software. Using VC++6.0 development environment, debugging through.
- VC++ 实现一个鼠标死活都碰不到的窗体按钮,任凭你怎么挪动鼠标,窗体按钮都会聪明的躲开-VC++ to achieve a life and death are not touch the mouse button on the form, No matter how you move the mouse, the button will be clever escape form
- VC++屏蔽Windows热启键(Ctrl+Alt+Del)程序,实现动态禁用/启用Window NT/2000/XP的Ctr+Alt+Del组合键,在远程线程分配内存来存放参数。测试发现,本程序在XP下运行好像有点问题,容易导致电脑重启,特别是在勾选选框的时候,大家请注意。-VC++ Shield Windows Thermal Kai key (Ctrl+ Alt+ Del) program, dynamic disable/enable Window NT/2000/XP the Ctr+
- 本源码可帮助VC++新手们快速了解VC++窗口及句柄的原理,由孙鑫老师一本书中的实例改写。 Windows程序运行原理及程序编写流程,窗口产生过程,句柄原理,消息队列,回调函数,窗口关闭与应用程序退出的工作关系,使用VC++的若干小技巧,stdcall与cdecl调用规范的比较,初学者常犯错误及注意事项。-This source can help VC++ novice to quickly understand the VC++ window and the principle of
- VC++通过内存映射在程序间交换数据,通过这个小实例,你会了解到以下技巧:在内存映像中创建对象,将文件视图映射到一个进程的地址空间上、返回LPVOID类型的内存指针、给映像内存数据赋给本地变量、释放映像内存、更新数据等。-VC++ through the memory mapping process between the exchange data, through this small instance, you will learn the following skills: In the
- 自动出题100以内的加减法混合运算,给那些要给孩子出题的家长提供方便,快捷键为Ctrl+L-Auto title addition and subtraction within 100 mixed operations, to those who give the child a question for the convenience of parents, the shortcut is Ctrl+ L
- VC++个人资金管理系统,完成了对个人资金的基本管理,包括资金的收入、支出、备份等基本的操作,可以帮助初学MFC着进一步认识各个常用控件的使用方法。-VC++ personal financial management system, completed the basic management of personal funds, including funds, income, expenditure, backup and other basic operations that can h
- 这个程序适合VC新手,是偶学习ADO时候写的一个小程序——通讯录管理系统-This program for VC novices to learn ADO is the time to write even a small program- Address Book Management System
- VC++(Access)共同开发的家庭理财系统,功能模块主要有:用户收支详细情况、收支情况统计与意见、图表统计信息、软件使用日志等,源代码中的注释比较丰富,相信对学习来说,是个不错的项目教程-VC++ (Access) to jointly develop a family financial management system, the function module: user revenue and expenditure details, income and expenditure s
- vc局域网中国象棋源码,此源码为毕业设计,附件包括详细设计方案,论文等资料. 棋盘: 利用PhotoShop绘制出带底纹的棋盘。并将其映射到窗口的范围。 棋子: 调用绘图函数Ellipse()和TextOut()绘制棋子。 使用WM_PAINT消息响应完成对窗口的重绘。 网络连接: 利用socket套接字进行连接,绑定端口号为5050。 联机代码: 联机使用专用代码10000表示邀请、10001表示接受、10002表示退出。 -VC
- vc计算器源码,简单的四则计算器,并且有简单的部分科学计算功能,新手可以参考哦。-vc calculator source code, a simple four calculators, and simple part of scientific computing, novice can refer Oh.
- 基于VC++实现手写识别系统设计,用户可以根据自己的需要更改模式识别的方式,简单的操作界面体现了整体系统的设计思路-Based VC++ achieve handwriting recognition system design, the user can change the pattern recognition methods according to their needs, a simple user interface reflects the overall system desi