- The goal of this library is to make ODBC recordsets look just like an STL container. As a user, you can move through our containers using standard STL iterators and if you insert(), erase() or replace() records in our containers changes can be automa
- 在本机票预定系统项目的前一阶段,也就是概要设计阶段中,已经将系统用户对本系统的子模块功能做了详细的阐述,这些模块功能具体设计将在本报告中详尽得以叙述及阐明。 本阶段已在系统的概要设计的基础上,对机票预定系统做详细设计。主要解决了实现该系统程序模块具体设计问题。包括确定算法,数据结构,模块接口的使用,数据库的动态操作以及界面设计等。在以下的概要设计报告中将对在本阶段中对系统所做的所有详细设计进行详细的说明。 -In the ticket reservation system project
- YxBBs是由Y网出品的一套ASP论坛系统,拥有小巧、高速、简捷、易用等特点。在YxBBs1.X刚起步的时候经过了大量的版本测试,现在YxBBs完善了技术,针对不同数据库采用了大量的优化算法,淋漓尽致的体现了采用数据库的高效和稳定优势。 -YxBBs network produced by the Y set of ASP forum system, with compact, high-speed, simple, easy to use and so on. YxBBs1.X just
- 最优客运乘车路线系统 --作者:山东农业大学 2006级信息与计算科学 张知临 --小组成员:彭建,姜明艳,董晓聪 --联系方式:邮箱: zhzhl202@163.com QQ:421525432 这是一个完全成型的查询系统。其算法全部写在了数据库中,并编译成了存储过程, 其中存储过程"zuiyou"是优化后的算法,"zuiyou1"是将原算法稍加改变以后形成的算法。 执行存储过程,只需先将该数据库附加到MS-SQL中,在SQL 查询分析器中执行下列语句: e
- this a program for for database implement in this we are implementing several join algorithms
- 数据库模板类 支持ODBC -The goal of this library is to make ODBC recordsets look just like an STL container. As a user, you can move through our containers using standard STL iterators and if you insert(), erase() or replace() records in our containers chang
- Abstract. In this paper, we propose a method of hiding sensitive classification rules from data mining algorithms for categorical datasets. Our approach is to reconstruct a dataset according to the classification rules that have been checked an
- Segmentation is therefore a very important task in medical imaging. However, manual segmentation is not only a tedious and time consuming process, it is also inaccurate. Segmentation by experts is variable up to 20 [WDZ+95]. It is therefore de
- this in C# with postgresql for development an Algorithms for DBscan spatial points-this is in C# with postgresql for development an Algorithms for DBscan spatial points
- 基于CDD模型的数字图像修复研究本文介绍了数字图像修复技术中的一个主要算法-CDD算法,具体分析了数字图像的破损类型以及对应修复方法,在破损区域较大的情况下,本文将CDD模型与另一个经典算法TV-CDD model based on digital image restoration research article describes the technology of digital image restoration algorithms in a major-CDD algorithm,
- 软件系统是一个信息处理系统最核心的部分就是对信息(或者称作数据)的处理,不同的数据根据不同的需要设计不同的处理方法和算法。它是通过接收输入的信息,对输入的信息按照规定的方法归类、处理、存储,转变为所需要的信息,最后通过输出系统向用户输出所需求的信息。能够直观的表达出系统中数据的流向。-Software system is the core part is the information (or referred to as data) processing an information proc