- fastreport演示程序。fastreport是vcl库的下的一个报表三方控件,写的比delphi自带的报表系统好的多。(DELPHI中有bug)可以下载-FastReport demonstration program. FastReport VCL library is under a tripartite statement Control and writing than delphi's own statements over a good system. (Delphi
- DELPHI 访问SQLITE3 数据库的VCL控件,需要sqlite3.dll文件,不需要安装任何服务端软件,我常用他作为应用的配置和日志存放点,缺陷就是没有加密。-SQLITE3 visit Delphi VCL control of the database, need sqlite3.dll documents do not have to install any server software. I used him as an application of the configura
Sqlite 开发包纯VCL组件
- Sqlite 开发包纯VCL组件,用此开发包,可以在发布sqlite程序时,不用带DLL,Sqlite pure VCL component development kit, with this development kit, you can release sqlite program, not with DLL
DBISAM VCL Client-Server with Source Code v4.01 fo
- DBISAM VCL Client-Server with Source Code v4.01 for.Delphi
- 飞恒进销存(超市批发)管理系统V5.1(含源程序) 语言:Delphi 6/7 相关控件:FastReport 2.4以上, Ehlib 3.4以上 1.数据库为fhe2db_V51.dat 2.ADO数据连接参考安装说明文档 3.V5.1(最后编译时间20060123) 4.是一套较全面的进销存源码 此中未包括发布POS前台 5.完整的V5.1运行文档,请到飞恒软件公司网站下载. 版权声明见内文. -This souce code fo
delphi7 sqlite3
- 控制sqlite数据,增,删,改。不需要用VCL控件(sqlite database app application is append,delete,edit,save,create)