- What I did with this class is to automatize (not MS s automation) several processes to do a search in a MS Sql Server database, and show the results, retaining the data on an internal structure-What I did with this class is to automatize ( not MS'
- Es un sistema de venta hecho en java y con mysql que se puede registrar productos borrar producto dar de alta empleados, y hace un regsitro en la base de datos en la cual puede almacenar la informacion de la tienda.
- Zigbee C PL-2303 USB to Serial RS232 Bridge Controller Full compliance with the USB Specification v1.1 and USB CDC v1.1 - Support the RS232 Serial interface - Support automatic handshake mode - Support Remote wake-up and power mana
- 1. 采用BP神经网络设计男女生分类器。采用的特征包括身高、体重、是否喜欢数学、是否喜欢文学、是否喜欢运动共五个特征,BP神经网络包含一个隐层,隐层结点数为5。要求:自行编写代码完成后向传播算法,采用交叉验证的方式实现对于性能指标的评判(包含SE,SP,ACC和AUC,AUC的计算可以基于平台的软件包)。(. using BP neural network to design the classifier for male and female students. The features in