- 猜忌十字路口东西向和南北向的车流量,并送主机;交通灯智能控制,根据车流量实时调整红绿灯持续时间,车流超过上限报警,并将另一方向的红灯时间延长一倍;电子眼,记录违章车辆号码,并送主机数据库记录 -Suspicion at the crossroads to the east-west and north and south of the traffic flow and sent to the host intelligent control of traffic lights, accordi
- 对网络中的IP数据包进行流量统计,分为http/ftp/email/dns分类进行统计并排序显示。统计各个IP点的流量,也可以统计各个点的流量。总的流量库在tj_all.dbf中。-On the network in IP packets for traffic statistics, is divided into http/ftp/email/dns classification statistics and display order. Statistical point of all I
- 基于电梯客流量的编程,针对一幢30层的建筑随机的生成每一层的上行下行客流,及其相应的目标楼层。-Elevator traffic based programming, for a 30-story building generates a random passenger flow upstream and downstream of each layer, and their respective target floor.
- ISDN 线路监测系统是一个利用 Winsock 控件对路由器备份网络通信线路进行监测的软件,该软件可以自动登录远程路由器,检测备份线路的通信状况, 以便及时发现故障, 确保网络通信的畅通。该软件可以用于数据中心机房,用来自动监测辖属机构的网络通信状况。-ISDN lines ISDN line monitoring system to monitor the use of Winsock control system is a network router backup communicati
- 这个源代码是一个SQL查询,主要用途是用于查询手机用户每月流量和短信的行为。当避免不必要的连接。-This source code is a SQL query, the main purpose is to query mobile phone users monthly flow and the behavior of the SMS. As to avoid unnecessary connection.