- Segmentation is therefore a very important task in medical imaging. However, manual segmentation is not only a tedious and time consuming process, it is also inaccurate. Segmentation by experts is variable up to 20 [WDZ+95]. It is therefore de
- 基于CDD模型的数字图像修复研究本文介绍了数字图像修复技术中的一个主要算法-CDD算法,具体分析了数字图像的破损类型以及对应修复方法,在破损区域较大的情况下,本文将CDD模型与另一个经典算法TV-CDD model based on digital image restoration research article describes the technology of digital image restoration algorithms in a major-CDD algorithm,
- 软件系统是一个信息处理系统最核心的部分就是对信息(或者称作数据)的处理,不同的数据根据不同的需要设计不同的处理方法和算法。它是通过接收输入的信息,对输入的信息按照规定的方法归类、处理、存储,转变为所需要的信息,最后通过输出系统向用户输出所需求的信息。能够直观的表达出系统中数据的流向。-Software system is the core part is the information (or referred to as data) processing an information proc