- 本文通过分析国内外网上购物系统的发展现状,提出了一种利用asp技术开发网上购物系统的方案,以期达到功能强大,费用低廉,通用性强,适合我国国情的购物网站系统。-This article through analyzes the domestic and foreign on-line shopping system the development present situation, proposed one kind operates on the hairnet using the asp t
- 在上一版本的基础上功能全面扩展,版面美观大方,俱备完整的购物网站功能、购物方便,操作简单,在线支付功能。 对一些文件重新编写,减少了图片的使用,网站整体配色更加明朗。 -In the last one on the basis of a full-featured version of the expansion, nice layout, ready complete shopping site functionality, shopping convenient, simple, on