- 如果一个数恰好等于它的因子之和,则称该数为“完全数”。 *题目分析与算法设计 根据完全数的定义,先计算所选取的整数a(a的取值1~1000)的因子,将各因子累加于m,若m等于a,则可确认a为完全数。 *-if it is equal to the sum of the factor, says the number of "totally few." * Topic analysis and algorithm design based on the defin
- 基于均值生成函数时间序列预测算法程序 1. predict_fun.m为主程序 2. timeseries.m和 seriesexpan.m为调用的子程序 -function based on the mean generation time series prediction algorithm for a procedure. Predict_fun.m mainly procedures 2. Timeseries.m seriesexpan.m and called for
- This function synthesizes a (speech) signal based on a LPC (linear- % predictive coding) model of the signal. -This function synthesizes a (speech) sign al based on a LPC (linear-% predictive coding) m odel of the signal.
- JOVE is Jonathan s Own Version of Emacs. It is based on the original EMACS editor written at MIT by Richard Stallman. Although JOVE is meant to be compatible with EMACS, there are some major differences between the two editors and you sho
- 北邮《通信原理基于Matlab的计算机仿真》书的源码 m文件 好不容易弄来的-Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, " Communication Theory of the computer simulation based on Matlab" m source book document finally get the
- 基于MATLAB的语音识别系统,dtw - DTW算法演示程序 mfcc.m - MFCC参数计算程序 dtw.m - 基本的DTW算法 dtw2.m - 优化的DTW算法 testdtw.m - DTW算法测试程序 vad.m - 端点检测程序 -Speech Recognition System Based on MATLAB
- 基于谱减法的语音信号增强源码,希望对这方面有研究的人有帮助-Based on the spectral subtraction of speech signal enhancement source
- 设计一个银行家算法,实现对N个进程和M种系统资源进行银行家算法判定和资源分配;并根据银行家算法的要求设计相应的数据结构,通过输入进程的个数,资源的种类,各个资源的最多数量,各个进程的Max,,Allocation,Need,然后对算法进行检测,判断是否能产生安全序列。-Design of a banker' s algorithm, to realize the process and the M N-species system resources determine the banke
- 基于Labview的直扩系统仿真,采用m序列伪随机码-Based on Labview DSSS system simulation using m-sequence pseudo-random code
- 根据炼铁新厂煤气放散塔自控系统的运行情况, 从RockW e ll工控软件RsL inx 入手, 分析了RsL inx 软件的通 讯方式, 提出了采用动态数据交换技术的通讯方案。并用Delphi编制程序, 实现了数据远传和显示, 声音报警等功 能, 保证了煤气系统安全运行。同时也为数据存储, 不同工控系统数据交换提供了一种方法-The deve lopm ent program o f dynam ic da ta exchange techno logy is put forw ard
- 本文阐述了一个基于K-Nearest Neighbor(KNN)算法的中文网页自动分类系统的体系结构、具体设计和实现过程。系统分成三个模块:中文网页的下载与过滤(王勋完成);KNN算法的训练与分类(黄健完成);算法评估以及分词系统的整合(吴亮完成)。 本人主要是实现算法的评估以及分词系统的整合:分词系统的整合利用爱博汉语分词系统(服务器版本—共享版),将下载下来的中文网页过滤后所得到的txt文件内容进行分词,以便提供给KNN算法进行训练和分类;算法的评估是将KNN算法后所得到的结果进行分析,
- 基于HMM或者GMM模型的说话人识别系统的实现及改进-Speaker recognition system based on HMM or GMM model and improvement
- 基于混沌理论的频谱分析,我马上就要凑够20字了-Spectral analysis based on chaos theory, I' m comin ' lobbied 20 words a
- LS-SVM Leave-One-Out Cross-Validation Demo G. C. Cawley, "Leave-one-out cross-validation based model selection criteria for weighted LS-SVMs", Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN-2006), pages 1661-1668, Vanco
- 模型预测控制算法MATLAB的编程.m文件。具有抗干扰能力,算法优异。-Model predictive control algorithm based on MATLAB programming. M file. With anti-jamming capability, the algorithm is excellent.
- 这是用db40小波多分辨分析对谐波进行的分析,主要用于小波对电力谐波的分析-We used this m profile to analysis harmonic with wavelet
- 基于MFCC和VQ算法的简单的汽车型号识别系统,直接打开main.m文件运行即可,其他m文件为调用函数。内含测试WAV音频文件。-The car models based on simple identification system MFCC and VQ algorithm can be run directly open main.m file, other m-file for the calling function. WAV audio files containing the te
- 本文详细介绍了以MG996舵机控制为核心,以STC12C5A08S2做控制芯片,根据M-87获取的相关数据通过按拟合的太阳偏转公式寻找太阳的大致方位,再根据感光模块的相应光强变化进行精确调整,将感光追踪模式与日历追踪模式相结合,以实现运行过程中的自矫正,同时能够根据外界环境判断目前运行状态,做出相应操作最终完成一套能在无人值守环境下自动运行的太阳光源自动追踪系统-This paper introduces the MG996 servo control as the core, STC12C5A
- 多目标粒子群算法,在基本粒子群算法的基础上进行了改进,程序简单明了。-Multi-objective particle swarm algorithm based on particle swarm algorithm has been improved, the program is simple and straightforward.
- matlab实现mssim算法,全参考客观图像质量评价,对结构相似度ssim算法的改进(Matlab implementation of MSSIM algorithm, the improvement of structural similarity SSIM algorithm based on full reference objective image quality assessment.)