- VISPACK (volume-image-surface package) is a C++ library that includes matrix, image, and volume objects and tools for manipulating level-set surface models. 2
- 并行计算中的cannon算法描述,采用C & openMPI库来执行算法,在矩阵大小100内效果显著-Cannon in the parallel computing algorithm descr iption, the use of C & openMPI library to perform algorithm, matrix size 100 results are obvious within
- matrix multiply using mpi 3rd edition(you should put this file in a system that has the mpi library and is able to compile it)
- 含盖了C语言中常见的一些代码,包括了汉字库代码,和点阵汉字代码。-Covers the common code in the C language, including Chinese character library code, and dot matrix Chinese character code.
- 主要写了一些c#通用函数类库源码,比如矩阵加法,减法,乘法,求逆等一些程序-Mainly write c# generic function class library source code, such as matrix addition, subtraction, multiplication, inversion and some programs
- C++中的eigen类库,用于处理矩阵的基本运算问题。-Eigen in c++ class library for processing matrix of the basic computing problem.
- matrix multiply with MPI. Programming in UBUNTU with opensource library OPENMPI on c-matrix multiply with MPI. Programming in UBUNTU with opensource library OPENMPI on c++
- 在C++11的基础上采用4种不同方法实现了多线程并发矩阵与向量乘积,矩阵转置与矩阵乘积,Linux下编译,需连接pthread库。-Using four different methods on the basis of C++ 11 is implemented on a multi-threaded matrix and vector product, matrix transpose and matrix multiplication, Linux compiler, connect pt