小程序一个,对计算机图形学感兴趣的朋友可以看一下-a small program on computer graphics interested can look at the friends
1:判断闰年程序 2:产生随机数并计算程序 3:计算平台长度程序 4:加减乘除运算 5:数字方阵程序 6:数据加密程序 7:代码转换程序 8:键盘录入数据的转换与显示 9:音乐演奏 10:显示色彩矩形块 11、12:字符图形程序 13:图形变换 14、15:动画 16:打字练习 17:打字计时练习 18:系统时间显示 19:显示日期时间 20:七段电子表显示 21:简易文本编辑器 22:磁盘文件读写 23:成绩管理 24、25:pc机通信 26:钟表显示 27:霓虹灯模拟显示-1: Determ
I have written this program to make it easy for anyone to make computer graphics based structrual design of simple compounds. (User can also make very complex chemical structures but he/she will need a clear idea of 3D geometry and some basic trigno
VC++编写的图形二维旋转程序代码,供大家对计算机图形学的学习- use vc++ to write two-dimensional rotary program, it is available for everyone to learn the computer graphics
VC++编写的三维立体小球程序,可供大家对计算机图形学进行学习-use vc++ to write three dimensional ball program,it is available for everyone to learn the computer graphics
这是计算机图形学中的Bezier曲线绘制程序,基于Turbo C2.0 。-This is a program to draw a Bezier line based on Turbo C,which is very important in Computer Graphics.
About This Guide
The OpenGL graphics system is a software interface to graphics hardware. (The GL stands for Graphics
Library.) It allows you to create interactive programs that produce color images of moving
three-dimensional objects. With Ope
一个小程序:计算机图形学程序 扫描线算法-Computer graphics program- sweepline