- A descendant of the TToolBar component (D3, C3, & D4) that adds a "maximize - restore" button. This mimics the behavior of the toolbar in Netscape Communicator. Clicking the button makes the toolbar small, hiding its controls. Clicking again returns
- NiceSideBar is a visual component for Delphi that can be used as a menu. It mimics side menu that usually used in websites. It has flat design and highly customizable. It supports two menu levels (menu and sub menu). Each menu can have a glyph that i
- NiceGallery is a visual control that can display several images, scroll them left and right, and can accept click event for each image. This component mimics the one I found in Microsoft Encarta? This component can be used as a menu or simply as an e
- 以栈模拟停车场,以队列模拟车场外的便道,按照从终端读入的输入数据序列进行模拟管理。每一组输入数据包括三个数据项:汽车“到达”或“离去”信息、汽车牌照号码以及到达或离去的时刻。对每一组输入数据进行操作后的输出信息为:若是车辆到达,则输出汽车在停车场内或便道上的停车位置;若是车辆离去,则输出汽车在停车场内停留的时间和应交纳的费用(在便道上停留的时间不收费)。栈以顺序结构实现,队列以链表结构实现。-Stack mimics the parking to the queue simulation car
- Simulated Annealing attempts to mimic the process of annealing in slowly cooled metal. The atoms rearrange themselves into a near-optimal energy state despite the apparent improbability of this occuring. Simulated Annealing abstracts this with a kind