- This PNG Delphi version 1.56 documentation (this version is a major rewrite intended to replace the previous version, 1.2). Improvements in this new version includes: This new version allows the programmer to not use Delphi heavy units which
- This the string class you expected to find in STL, but didn t. The design goal of this class is to make all the string handling functions from the standard C library available within a single C++ class, with the added bonus of automatic buffer a
- BmpRgn is a *FREEWARE* unit that allows you to create forms with transparent areas based on a bitmap that you provide. The bitmap is converted to a form region, where only the interior pixels are displayed. The transparent border remains
- A novel met hod t o p artially compensate sigma2delta shap ed noise is p rop osed. By injecting t he comp en2 sation cur rent int o t he p assive loop f ilte r during t he delay time of t he p hase f requency detect or ( PFD) , a maximum reductio