- 我的第一个3d DEMO 初学者可以参考,不过,高手看了就没劲,哎,还要找代码下载,站长也太黑了啊,-my first 3d DEMO beginners can refer to, but read on the master being insipid, hey, also look for code download, head too black ah long as
- 4tH compiler是一个稍有不同的Forth 编译器,不像标准Forth 引擎所提供的常规编译器。4tH 是一个非常小的编译器,它可以生成字节码,嵌入式C字节码,单独的可执行文件,但是它也可以作为一个脚本语言-4tH compiler is a slightly different Fortran compiler, Unlike standard Forth engine provided by conventional compilers. 4tH is a very small co
- 三维鼠标的应用小程序,可以嵌入photoshop等应用软件,设备采用的是3dconex。-3d mouse of small procedures, can be embedded application software such as Photoshop, Equipment using the three dconex.
- 大型CFD源程序DUNS,求威望 介绍: Diagonalized ADI Navier-Stokes (DUNS) Code The DUNS code is a 2d/3d, structured, multi-block, multi-species, unsteady or steady, Navier Stokes fluid dynamics code with the q-omega turbulence model. It is configurab
- JMAT: java MATrix 工具包装。 提供像 MATLAB 一样的功能和语法一样的易用的类。 JMAT 也包含有关2D 或 3d的图表 ,一个表达式语法分析器 , 和一些统计数值模拟工具-JMAT : java MATrix packaging tools. as MATLAB provide the same capabilities and syntax of the same ease-of-use category. JMAT also includes the 2D or 3
- The source plots a dataset to 3d grapgh as in Matlab.
- 用delphi编写的一个3d隧道演示程序,作为delphi用opengl入门学习程序。-Delphi prepared using a 3d tunnel demo program, as a delphi study entry procedures using opengl.
- 把着段代码复制下来存为文本文档,命名为1 在DOS下用debug<1.txt 生成一个可执行程序。 进去是一个3d游戏的旋转界面,还有一段美妙的音乐,真是牛!!! 快去看看吧 -To copy a paragraph code saved as a text document, named for the 1 in DOS using debug <1.txt generate an executable program
- 场景漫游以及3d导入的极好例子,强烈推荐-Roaming, as well as 3d scene into an excellent example, strongly recommend
- WAISS TW3dCanvas Component V1.5 Freeware This is a component that acts as a 3d canvas. It supports most of the methods of the Delphi TCanvas Component. All drawing methods sent to the component will be rendered in a 3d manor (extruded or embossed
- This book is about 3d math, the study of the mathematics behind the geometry of a 3d world. 3d math is related to computational geometry, which deals with solving geometric problems algorithmically. 3d math and computational geometry have applica
- DXScene是3d硬件加速图形库的速度,所有图形应用程序开发,提供:1三维和二维图形编辑器的IDE,三维形状和改造,二维图形对象的集成,简化动画,先进窗口和控制,最高性能,剥皮引擎,位图效果,三维动画文件转换器。 DXScene可作为开发工具,标准,多媒体,SCADA系统,地理信息系统,计算机辅助设计和信息亭应用-DXScene is 3d hardware accelerated graphics library speeds the development of all graphical
- we present the first 3d discrete curvelet transform. This transform is an extension to the 2D transform described in Cand`es et al..1 The resulting curvelet frame preserves the important properties, such as parabolic scaling, tightness and sparse
- I have written this program to make it easy for anyone to make computer graphics based structrual design of simple compounds. (User can also make very complex chemical structures but he/she will need a clear idea of 3d geometry and some basic trigno
- A fast 3d mesh viewer. Released as Freeware and open-sourced under Mozilla PL (http://mozilla.org) 3d Formats: 3dS, OBJ, SMD, MD2, TIN, PLY, STL 2D Formats: JPG, BMP, TGA, CEL etc. Supports smooth and flat shading, wireframes, hidd
- 音响设备接口(SDI)是专为听觉显示,或AUI(音频用户界面),这已被证明是很好的补充GUI(图形用户界面)学术。目前,SDI实现两个Sound对象:语音和听觉符号为例。言语是在3d世界中的定位语音合成相结合的ViaVoice TTS和,A3d一起。在学术上,这种定位可以帮助用户挑选出所需要的信息,两个同时“显示”的声音。这是所谓的“鸡尾酒会效应”。此外,它可以提高存储器中,添加的位置系数对每一个声音。听觉符号为例,从字面上看,可以显示听觉符号为例容易。听觉符号为例是怎么样的音乐modif,图标
- java 3d的,使用入门,等简单的实例。-java 3d, Getting Started, such as a simple example.
- 创建一个n维的稀疏数组对象,n是任意值。 定义N可能是大于2的一类n维稀疏阵列。然而,它应该被认为是一种起动方式与普通的MATLAB稀疏矩阵和重塑它有N维度。换句话说,稀疏的数据,首先必须能够作为一个普通的2D MATLAB稀疏矩阵被前n维。事实上,如果目标数组的尺寸mxnxp……yxz,然后将它存储在内部类是一个普通的二维稀疏阵列的尺寸(M×N×P×……×Y)XZ。这导致了某些内存株时使用大量的尺寸。我发现有用的类主要用于中等尺寸像三维图像边缘检测,你经常要举行一个稀疏的3d的边缘地图。-Cr
- 本演示展示FireMonkey 3d组件的某些功能。运行演示,了解各种影响:揃ACK插值,揂utoreverse,揈LasTIC插值或3d文字旋转或形状动画下列路径(pathanimation如SVG或XAML) -Some features of this demo shows FireMonkey 3d components. Run the demo, to understand the various effects: CIRCUIT DIAGRAM ACK interpolation,
- 书籍源码,采用泰勒展开近似的误差。用了3d图来画出表示。-Plot a 3d graph of variation in a Taylor series approximation as the degree varies. This program is for log(x) about x=1.