- C++ Primer 第三版 学习辅导 类的创建、继承、虚函数的使用 bugzhao@sohu.com 原书第23~40页 可以将断点设置在return 0处,然后按F5, 并记录下所有整型数组类ia指针的值,比如: 0x00491f90 0x00491f50 0x00490120 0x00491da0 0x00491d50 然后当调试指针停在return 0处时单步执行, 跟踪每一次析构函数,可以发现后创建的对象最先被消除。
- vxworks libc库源代码,标准C代码库实现 assert ctype locale math setjmp stdarg stdio stdlib string time -vxworks libc the source code, standard C code library to assert ctype locale math setjmp stdar g stdio stdlib string time
- This the string class you expected to find in STL, but didn t. The design goal of this class is to make all the string handling functions from the standard C library available within a single C++ class, with the added bonus of automatic buffer a