- sdcc的win版本.是small device c compiler的意思.支持8051和z80.是一个遵循GPL的软件,不过他的库函数是LGPL的,允许商业联结,可以用在自己的软件里-sdcc version. C is a small device compiler mean. support for 8051 and Z80. following is a GPL software, but the library is LGPL. Allow commercial links, can
- 8051 monitor programm: - use external ram to run user program - use eeprom to save user program - provide single step debug, can read internal register and ram -8051 monitor programm : - use external ram to run user program - use eepro
- A 8051 assembler .any one can learn how to write assembler in this example.and this function code has been work well for a 8051 assemble.
- 8051程序 要先设定里程值,并能显示设定值,在开始按钮按下去后,里程值转换成记数初值,并开始计算里程-8051 procedures first set mileage value, and can show that the set value, in the beginning by this button, mileage converted into preliminary count, and began calculating mileage
- 利用8051单片机和DAC0832控制电源的输出从0~9.9V,并且实现0.1v的步进电压。我们先利用变压电路实现稳定的输入电压,在单片机的控制下是啊先显示和键盘的操作,直接控制DAC0832从而实现了电压的变换。可以利用手动和自动扫描来实现,能有效地控制输出电压,并且实现数化显示电压值。,The use of 8051 and DAC0832 output power control from 0 ~ 9.9V, and the realization of the step voltage
- Small RTOS是一个源代码公开的多任务实时操作系统,Small RTOS 51 是其在8051系列处理器上的移植(使用keil c51)。Small RTOS可以简化那 些复杂而且时间要求严格的工程的软件设计工作.本手册主要讲述Small RTOS 的使用,本说明了在8051系列处理器上使用应该注意的问题。同时讲述了 Small RTOS的移植。 -Small RTOS is an open source multi-task real-time operating
- 一个用汇编语言编写的计算器,个人感觉还可以-Using assembly language to prepare a calculator, personal feelings can also be
- 8051串口通讯程序,可实现多个单片机同时通讯,带收发程序-8051 serial communication program can simultaneously achieve a number of single-chip communications, with send and receive process
- 利用8051芯片制作一个数字电压表,能够测量电压并用4段数码管显示。-Manufactures a digital voltmeter using 8051 chips, can survey the voltage and demonstrate with 4 sections of nixietubes.
- SDCC (Small Device C Compiler) is free open source, retargettable, optimizing ANSI-C compiler by Sandeep Dutta designed for 8 bit Microprocessors. The current version targets Intel MCS51 based Microprocessors (8031, 8032, 8051, 8052, etc.), Dal
- can make a latch counter by 8051
- 8051单片机延时函数。基于12M时钟,可以在asm和c中调用-8051 delay function. 12M based on the clock, you can call the asm and c
- 本手册讲述对8051 的目标环境如何使用Cx51 优化C 编译器编译C 程序Cx51 编 译器包可以用在所有的8051 系列处理器上可以在WINDOWS 32 位命令行中执行本手 册假定你熟悉WINDOWS 操作系统知道如何编程8051 处理器并会用C 语言编程-This manual describes the target environment of the 8051 how to use the Cx51 optimizing C compiler to compile C pr
- serial code for 8051 can be used for all serial communication
- 单片机简易计算器 它采用了大按钮的设计,无须触笔,用手指就可以准确操作,所以在进行商品交易的时候非常方便-SCM simple calculator It uses a large button design, no stylus, a finger can be an accurate operation, Therefore, in the commodity trading is very convenient when the
- 本系统采用MSC-51系列单片机ATSC51和可编程并行I/O接口芯片8255A为中心器件来设计交通灯控制器,实现了能根据实际车流量通过8051芯片的P1口设置红、绿灯燃亮时间的功能;红绿灯循环点亮,倒计时剩5秒时黄灯闪烁警示(交通灯信号通过PA口输出,显示时间直接通过8255的PC口输出至双位数码管);车辆闯红灯报警;绿灯时间可检测车流量并可通过双位数码管显示。本系统实用性强、操作简单、扩展功能强。 -The system uses MSC-51 Series Microcontroll
- 程序描述:网络远端温度感测器,这个范例中使用到 (1)8051 的Port 1连接到LCD显示器,PORT 3的P3.3、P3.4和P3.5分别连接到LCD显示器的控制线,程序执行时可以让LCD显示器显示出时间和日期。 (2)温度感测组件AD590经由ADC0804将感测到的温度,转换成数位数据,然后经由PORT 0输入8051。 (3)igangcai 8051的第10和第11只脚RXD和TXD分别连线到MAX232,然后连接到PC的COM埠。 (4) 当PC端经由RS23
- soure codes examples for micro controller 8051. you can you these files to simulate in software Proteus or Keil C.
- LED驱动芯片DM412测试代码,已验证ok,只要移植上去就可以用了。-LED driver chip DM412 test code, verified ok, as long as the transplant can be used up.
- 本專題是對於溫度、CO2設備來偵測,溫度、CO2經由熱敏電阻及MG811轉成電壓後,利用A/D 轉換電路將其訊號傳入8051,並顯示溫度、CO2濃度及設定值在LCD上,使其量測的溫度、CO2濃度數值大小能判斷目前狀態是理想,進而對其做加熱、冷卻及排氣的動作。-This topic is for temperature, CO2 equipment to detect temperature, CO2 via a thermistor and MG811 turn into a voltage,