- 本文件是一个CGI类型的WEB应用程序,需要将该程序发布到IIS服务器才能正常执行,所采用的开发环境为Delphi!-This document is a CGI types of Web applications, procedures need to be released to the IIS server can be normal execution and the use of development environment for Delphi!
- Mod_python is an Apache module that embeds the Python interpreter within the server. With mod_python you can write web-based applications in Python that will run many times faster than traditional CGI and will have access to advanced features such as
- Web编程的基本概念,CGI实现交互功能的基本原理,如何控制数据在Web界面上的输出方式-Web programming the basic concept, CGI interactive function of the realization of the basic principles, How to control data in the Web interface output
- Mini Web-server that supports CGI, HTTP and plug-ins. By Huang Yi-Chun.
- TICQClient Version 1.20 Free (C) Alex Demchenko(alex@ritlabs.com) Gene Reeves(notgiven2k@lycos.com) Web: http://www.cobans.net Latest updates: http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/ticqlib
- Development CGI for Web basead on Delphi
- 用C编写的一个CGI程序,可以连接数据库,web显示。-a cgi program.
HTTPGet component for Delphi 32
- The HTTPGet component intended for downloading files/documents/results of CGI scr ipts from the web using standard Microsoft Windows Internet library (winInet.dll) which also used by Internet Explorer. Getting the web contents - same as in IE browser