- An example to illustrate how to set the internal adjustable CID gain and receive FSK or DTMF data. Assume end-code of DTMF data string is \"D\".-An example to illustrate how to set the inte CID rnal adjustable gain and receive FSK or DTMF dat
- cid file. the prgram is used to get caller id-mediation file. The prgram is used to get caller id
- unit UnitSendMail; interface uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes,StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, Dialogs, IdMessage, IdBaseComponent, IdComponent, IdTCPConnection, IdTCPClient, IdExplicitTLSClientServerBase,IdMessageClient, IdSMTP
- HT95R65是Holtek推出的两款带CPT 功能的8bit CID Phone单片机。HT95R64、HT95R65均内建硬件DTMF Generator/Receiver 、FSK Decoder和CPT Detector, 使其在来电显示电话机或自动录音机上的应用更加方便。 -Holtek HT95R65 is the launch of two new features with CPT 8bit CID Phone MCU. HT95R64, HT95R65 have b
- 无线电话机来电显示实用源工程程序,汇编语言编写-call id source code
- FreeType库是一个完全免费(开源)的、高质量的且可移植的字体引擎,它提供统一的接口来访问多种字体格式文件,包括TrueType, OpenType, Type1, CID, CFF, Windows FON/FNT, X11 PCF等-FreeType library is a completely free (open source), high-quality and portable font engine, which provides a unified interface to