- encode.v The encoder syndrome.v Syndrome generator in decoder berlekamp.v Berlekamp algorithm in decoder chien-search.v Chien search and Forney algorithm in decoder decode.v The top module of the decoder inverse.v Computes multiplic
- 【最新for delphi 2010全源码版本】 应用程序设置管理是任何应用程序和基础的重要组成部分。通常TIniFile和TRegistry类用于这一目的。Storage Library为应用程序设置管理的新途径。Storage Library是为应用程序设置工作,使组件的集合。Storage Library的概念是非常优雅和简单的: *TrsStorage -主要含有类似的内存结构树中的所有数据 *一些TrsStorageData控件与ini,XML文件,注册表或TS
- 光码器 编码器的使用方法其中是很总要的额 -Sensored Position Control of PMSM Using QEP
- 哈夫曼编码应用。随机输入一段英文,统计输出该段英文中各字母的出现频率及总的字符数,利用哈弗曼算法对各字母进行编码并输出编码结果,输出该段英文的哈弗曼编码 -Huffman encoding applications. Random inputing a section of English, statisticing and outputing the frequency of each letter in the English and the total number of chara
- In this assignment you will be designing a chip that both encodes and decodes a data stream using a Hamming code. You will also inject random errors into the data stream and your decoder must be able to fix single-bit errors. Note: This project is in