- 学生数据系统,功能比较完整 操作菜单: (可以输入0~14共15个数字键操作,0是退出系统) 1)新建链表? 2)新建文件? 3)读取文件资料? 4)显示成绩的前几名? 5)查找并显示学生个人资料? 6)显示所有学生的成绩? 7)找出学生中重复的号码并显示? 8)删除学生资料? 9)把新建的链表添加到资料中? 10)查询并修改学生资料? 11)统计输入的学生资料总数? 12)排序 (总成绩\\语文\\数学\\英语\\
- 对pl0语言的词法分析程序,带分析工具flex。输入一个PL0源程序文件名,即可看到词法统计结果。- To the pl0 language lexical analyaer, brings analysis tool flex. Inputs a PL0 source program filename, namely as worthy of looking at as morphology statistics result.
- 录入合法的LL(1)文法,将输出LL(1)预测分析表- Inputs legitimate LL (1) the grammar, will output LL (1) to forecast the analytical table
- 根据哈夫曼算法进行建树,并根据输入的数据,进行哈夫曼编码。, Carries on the achievements according to 鍝堝か鏇?the algorithm, and according to the data which inputs, carries on 鍝堝か鏇?the code.
- 设计实现4bit FIFO, 数据深度为8, 产生满, 空状态标志-The diagram of FIFO is shown in figure 1. The FIFO consists of two component: FIFO control logic and RAM. The control logic generates the address (ADD) and write enable (WE) to the RAM so that the fi
- msc1200是工程评估板MCU的原代码四个差分输入,此芯片内部包含C51单片机.-MCU Evaluation Board msc1200 engineering the original code of four differential inputs, the chip contains the C51 single-chip microcomputer.
- This program implements a PIC-based fuzzy inference engine for the Fudge fuzzy development system from Motorola. It works by taking the output from Fudge for the 68HC11 processor, and converting it to a MPASM compatible assembler file using the
- This program inputs 3 numbers and sorts them from largest to smallest.
- SI1 M-file for SI1.fig SI1, by itself, creates a new SI1 or raises the existing singleton*. J = SI1 returns the handle to a new SI1 or the handle to the existing singleton*. SI1( CALLBACK ,hObject,eventData,handles,...) calls the loca
- MP411是一款USB2.0/1.1总线兼容12位采集模块,具有16路模拟输入,工作在软件启动模式、二路12位DA输出(MP411)、开关量16路输入/16路输出、一路20位计数器(MP411),支持频率测量。采用USB总线,支持即插即用。MP411的所有功能设置都可以通过delphi控制,含源代码和界面。-MP411 is a USB2.0/1.1 bus-compatible 12-bit acquisition module with 16 analog inputs, work in s
- HMMC代码实现,可以给些ANN辅助实现方面的参考意见啊-HMMC code implementation, can give some support to achieve aspects of ANN inputs to ah
- MS Office Automation using C++” - this what I started searching over the internet a few weeks back to plot a graph in an Excel sheet through my program. Fortunately, I got a few - actually very few - inputs from the cyber world, might be because I am
- 基于PIC16C54的LED显示的时钟设计-A Clock Design Using the PIC16C54 for LED Displays and Switch Inputs
- 基于PIC16C54的LED显示的时钟设计-A Clock Design Using the PIC16C54 for LED Displays and Switch Inputs
- PCI-1711带有2个模拟量输出,16路单端模拟量输入-PCI-1711 with 2 analog outputs, 16 single-ended analog inputs
- 8到3译码器 74HC138是一款高速CMOS器件,74HC138引脚兼容低功耗肖特基TTL(LSTTL)系列。 74HC138译码器可接受3位二进制加权地址输入(A0, A1和A2),-8-3 decoder 74HC138 is a high-speed CMOS, 74HC138 pin compatible with low power Schottky TTL (LSTTL) series. 74HC138 decoder accepts three binary weighted a
- library reading program pic16fxx joystick, en C / C + +, so read all the buttons, and more necessary to create the circuit using analog Inputs
- 建立一个针对LL(1)文法编译器的自动生成器。要完成此编译器的生成器需对源文件进行两遍处理:第一遍词法分析,第二遍语法分析。语法分析程序用LL(1)语法分析方法。首先输入定义好的文法书写文件(所用的文法可以用LL(1)分析),然后建立词法分析器,包括词法分析主程序、扫描器部分、关键字表等。经词法分析后分别计算所输入的文法的每个非终结符号的FIRST集合,每个非终结符号的FOLLOW集合,以及每个规则的SELECT集合,并判断任意一个非终结符号的任意两个规则的SELECT集的交集是不是都为空,如果
- FFT简易分析仪 用来分析从电脑中录入的音频 利用了fir滤波器和iir滤波器 并有 GUI界面 完整的程序-FFT simple analyzer used to analysis the audio inputs from the computer using the fir filter and iir filter and a GUI interface complete program ~ ~
- This an AND gate 2 inputs and the output is the AND of the inputs.-This is an AND gate 2 inputs and the output is the AND of the inputs.