- 用于flash/flex的 as3的 2D图形图像图表的动态生成-Flare is a collection of Actionscr ipt 3 classes for building a wide variety of interactive visualizations. For example, flare can be used to build basic charts, complex animations, network diagrams, treemaps, and mor
- 基于JDK的Java IDE的设计与实现。该系统集Java源代码的编辑、编译、运行、 动态显示行号、图形界面中显示程序出错信息、多页编辑源代码等功能于一体, 利用OOA&OOD的方法,通过Java语言来实现。核心设计思想:系统的编辑器用 JTextArea类实例为主体来充当,编译器和解释器则是通过调用JDK开发包中提供的 javac程序和java程序来实现,并通过File类实例建立起编辑器、编译器和解释器的联系。-JDK-based design and
- 用java,结合cup和jflex编写的简单的tiger语言编译器,使用eclipse ide-With java, cup and jflex written with a simple tiger-compiler, use the eclipse ide. . .
- SecureBlackbox VCL Delphi IDE. SecureBlackbox is a suite of software components that allows developers to add strong security to their applications to protect binary data, files, documents and e-mails. SecureBlackbox includes authentic impl
- 用来编译java程序。或者是集成到IDE中-to compile java software
- JAVA 开发 使用eclipse 《eclipse全程指南》。源码(Eclipse IDE for Java EE DevelopersPackage Descr iption Tools for Java developers creating Java EE and Web applications.)