- 是有关热键控制从隐藏状态下显示出来,用快捷键在显示状态下启用不同界面从而达到你自己所要的控制效果的一个小恶作剧软件,可以隐藏程序伪装进程,修改密码,具有自我保护的功能,在隐藏下的原始热键是↑+m(显示),→+m(修改密码),在显示出后的界面快捷键是ctrl+m(控制界面),ctrl+s(退出界面)
- JOVE is Jonathan s Own Version of Emacs. It is based on the original EmACs editor written at mIT by Richard stallman. Although JOVE is meant to be compatible with EmACs, there are some major differences between the two editors and you sho
- The matlab functions and scr ipts in the mA toolbox are: - ma_sone wav (PCm) to sone (specific loudness sensation) - ma_mfcc wav (PCm) to mFCCs (mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients) - ma_sh sone to spectrum Histogram - ma_ph sone to
- 以P3.7為切換開關設定不同顯示P0~P2之走馬燈模式,當P3.7為0時P0到P2為全亮或全暗,當全亮則逐點暗掉,若全暗則會逐點亮起。P3.0~P3.6則用以設定走馬燈執行的速度。 -to P3.7 switches to set different shows P0 - P2's like a revolving door model When P3.7 P0 to 0:00 a.m. for the whole of the P2 - or full darkness, when
- mFC IIs防盗链 开发环境 vc++ 7.0(mFC) / windows 2003 sp1 / iis6.1 主要功能: 1 防盗链 2 限制文件下载线程数 3 限制文件下载速度 使用方法: 1 打开Internet 信息服务(IIs)管理器/本地计算机/网站/默认网站/属性/IsAPI筛选器/添加 2 名称随便 文件 选择你解压缩下来的relink.dll 3 重启IIs 4 打开ReLink.ini 具体参数: [settings
- 假定已经有许多应用采用了程序1 - 1 5中所定义的C u r r e n c y类,现在我们想要对C u r r e n c y类 的描述进行修改,使其应用频率最高的两个函数A d d和I n c r e m e n t可以运行得更快,从而提高应 用程序的执行速度。由于用户仅能通过p u b l i c部分所提供的接口与C u r r e n c y类进行交互,-assumption has been used for many applications of the program
- mATLAB PROGRAms FOR \"VIBRATION sImULATION UsING mATLAB AND ANsYs\" All the m-files which are listed in the book are available on this site. The ANsYs-related files and some non-listed utility m-files are available for download from the auth
- 滑模控制的一个matlab程序,给出了m文件和sINULINK的仿真,模块用s函数编写-sliding control of a matlab procedures, given the m sINULINK documents and the simulation, s-function module prepared
- 与ms-DOs兼容的DOs操作系统, FreeDOs like。 aldera OpenDOs machine Readable source Kit (m.R.s) 7.01 BUILDING THE mRs KIT The Caldera OpenDOs mRs kit contains the following components: IBmBIO, IBmDOs and COmmAND
- 这是过去自己编写的一个初级Dos程序,包括对学生的成绩管理等,是图形界面的。貌似Turbo 2的界面。
- ex4是用于mt4软件的临时文件。ex4文件反编译程序,用于还原源码,就这些了,ex4 is used for mt4 software, temporary files. decompile ex4 file program for restoring source code, that' s all
- 基于ATm16的sPI通信程序,里面有仿真结果,并且通过编译,可以用-signal procedure
- m/m/1 queue simulation
- 一个不错的全主元高斯消去法并行算法的mPI源程序-a mPI source code for Gaussian elimination s parallel algorithm
- The main m-file to be executed is myLPC.m file. The file that contains all calculations is lpc_01.m file, that is a function which returns reconstructed speech signal with LPC-16 coding. Observing spectrogram of both signals is very instructive and
- "命名管道"或"命名管线"(Named Pipes)是一种简单的进程间通信(I P C)机制, microsoft Windows NT,Windows 2000,Windows 95以及Windows 98均提供了对它的支持 (但不包括Windows CE).命名管道可在同一台计算机的不同进程之间,或在跨越一个网络的 不同计算机的不同进程之间,支持可靠的,单向或双向的数据通信.用命名管道来设计应用 程序实际非常简单,并不需要事先深入掌握基层网络传送协议(如T C P / I P
- Vola - s.m.s. - D3 / D4 / D5
- 文件夹里包含一篇已发表的结果。此论文是有关于模糊控制系统的稳定性研究。考虑初学者对于模糊作图的困惑。我们上传的代码可做参考。直接运行文件lmi1998fig3.m。可得文中Fig 3.-This rar includs a published paper which presents new relaxed stability conditions and LmI- (linear matrix inequality) based designs for both continuou
- 生成纵横向四阶方程,计算特征根,传递函数等,给出波特图及尼科尔斯图。- sURVEY is set up to make calculations based on the 12 x 12 Fmodel and 12 x 7 Gmodel produced by FLIGHT, with the generic business jet model trimmed for flight at V = 102 m/s and h = 3,050 m. The flags are set to ge
- 产生10级m序列的labview程序,使用一般的I/O卡即可实现信号的硬件输出-Produce 10 m sequence of labview program, the use of general I/O card to achieve the signal s hardware output