- 首先,分别对8255、8253进行初始化,设置8255为A口、C口输出,设置8253的计数器0为工作模式3;其次,设置IRQ7的中断矢量,使得有IRQ7中断时调用SERVER;再次,调用INIT对计数值初始化;最后,主程序循环等待中断,开始秒表的计时。 2、 INIT子程序-First, the 8255,8253 initialization, set for the 8255 A-C mouth output, set 8253 as the Counter mode 0 3; Second
- 首先,分别对8255、8253进行初始化,设置8255为A口、C口输出,设置8253的计数器0为工作模式3;其次,设置IRQ7的中断矢量,使得有IRQ7中断时调用SERVER;再次,调用INIT对计数值初始化;最后,主程序循环等待中断,开始秒表的计时。 2、 INIT子程序-First, the 8255,8253 initialization, set for the 8255 A-C mouth output, set 8253 as the Counter mode 0 3; Second
- TBetterADODataSet是直接继承与delphi的TADODataSet,主要是 1.修正了很多TCustomADODataSet,甚至ADO本身的Bug 2.实现了Borland未来得及实现的功能 3.扩展了原有的功能 BetterADODataSet能够减少%50的书写代码,使用BetterADODataSet使delphi上的ADO更简单,成为真正的RAD.-TBetterADODataSet is the direct successor to the TADO
- make debug tool. You can use this tool to debug Makefile
- retroguard 混淆器 Included in this release are the following files and directories: Readme.txt : This file. License.txt : For commercial projects, RetroGuard Pro is distributed under an annual subscr iption-based commercial license. -OR
- GUN make 3.8中文手册.pdf-GUN make 3.8 Chinese manual. Pdf
- AVR-Ada aims to make the Ada part of gcc usable on AVR microcontrollers. This includes the three elements: - the Ada compiler - the Ada run time system - the AVR support library Some sample programs are provided as well. -AVR-Ada aims to make the Ada
- 功能非常强大的HTML文本编辑插件,请大家好好使用- Very powerful HTML text editor plug-in, please make good use of
- Lua5.1.3脚本语言源代码,该语言在游戏中经常使用,可使游戏开发更灵活。-Lua scr ipting language source code. the language is frequently used in game development. It will make game development more flexible.
- 用于令与PORTD口相连的8个发光二极管前4个点亮,后4个熄灭。在调试程序前,应使与PORTD口相连的8位拔码开关拔向相应的位置。-I used to make and PORTD LEDs connected to the eight first 4 lights out after 4. In the debugging process, should make PORTD I connected with the 8-bit code switch pulled to pull the c
- Disk Controls is set of 22+ top quality components which can make your life much easier if you developing software that works with disks, shell and file system.
- 小日本整的语音处理函数包,可以在Cygwin下编译的。先./configure再make就可以了。-Small Japanese whole package of voice processing functions, can be compiled under Cygwin. First./Configure and then make it.
- ckeditor是fckeditor html编辑器了一个升级版本,用过fckeditor的站长都知道,由于其打开速度的不理想把fckeditor用于网站做为在线编辑器并不是明智的选择,ckeditor正好弥补了这一缺陷,ckeditor是由Frederico Knabben.针对网络而开发的在线编辑器。它提供了令人吃惊的性能、充分无障碍和强大而可扩展的javascr ipt API。-ckeditor fckeditor html editor is an upgrade version, u
- 利用Struts2框架以及JSP动态的增加需要上传的文件-Need to upload files make use of the Struts2 framework as well as JSP dynamic increase
- Make is a tool which controls the generation of executables and other non-source files of a program from the program s source files. Make gets its knowledge of how to build your program from a file called the makefile, which lists each of the no
- SOUECES - Make is a tool which controls the generation of executables and other non-source files of a program from the program s source files. Make gets its knowledge of how to build your program from a file called the makefile, which lists each
- This is the Compile Tool For Android
- ,max函数出现在main函数之前,因此在main函数中调用max函数时,编译系统能识别max是已定义的函数名。 如果把两个函数的位置对换一下,即先写main函数,后写max函数,这时在编译main函数遇到max时,编译系统无法知道max代表什么含义,因而无法编译,按出错处理。 为了解决这个问题,在主函数中需要对被调用函数作声明-, Max function appears before the main function, so when you call max
- CakePHP是一个快速开发PHP的开发框架,其中使用了一些常见的设计模式如ActiveRecord,Association Data Mapping,Front Controller以及MVC。其主要目标在于提供一个令任意水平的PHP开发人员都能够快速开发web应用的框架,而且这个快速的实现并没有牺牲项目的弹性。-CakePHP is a rapid development framework for PHP development, which uses some common design
- CMake是一种跨平台编译工具,比make更为高级,使用起来要方便得多.(cmake compile.The release was packaged with CPack which is included as part of the release. The .sh files are self extracting gziped tar files. To install a .sh file, run it with /bin/sh and follow the directions.