RF design example
- circles Various circle equations gain Constant gain circles noise Constant noise circles quality Constant Qn circles stability Stability circles conversion Conversion routines between different twoport network representations global Some useful routi
- * Network Coding Network Simulator * * 06/10/05 - Aaron Drew * * This simulator is designed to test out the performance of a variety of network coding approaches. * * It simulates networks with dynamic topologies, reading from NS2 compati
- 该程序是卡曼滤波法在语音处理上的应用,能有效的去除噪声,达到语音增强的目的!-The program is Kaman filtering method in the voice processing application, can effectively remove the noise, to achieve the purpose of speech enhancement!
- 某型飞机机翼在风洞中测得的翼型自噪声数据,可用于多输入单输出的神经网络建模。-A certain type of aircraft wings in the wind tunnel measured airfoil self-noise data, can be used for multi-input single-output neural network modeling.
- 用TEXTSCAN进行文件操作,创建和关闭文件流,并结合其他的处理过程,完成相应数据功能-This example shows how to read an arbitrary format text file with textscan. This function is similar to textread, however it also allows you to read the file one block at a time, and each block can have a
- Signal to noise ratio implemented in wireless network for channel allocation algorithm