- 程序描述:网络远端温度感测器,这个范例中使用到 (1)8051 的Port 1连接到LCD显示器,PORT 3的P3.3、P3.4和P3.5分别连接到LCD显示器的控制线,程序执行时可以让LCD显示器显示出时间和日期。 (2)温度感测组件AD590经由ADC0804将感测到的温度,转换成数位数据,然后经由PORT 0输入8051。 (3)igangcai 8051的第10和第11只脚RXD和TXD分别连线到MAX232,然后连接到PC的COM埠。 (4) 当PC端经由RS23
- This the example from Iczelion s Win32 Assembly Tutorial part 9. In order to assemble the example, you have to have ml.exe, link.exe and nmake.exe in your path. If they re not in the path, you will have to edit makefile to include the full path
- With this code you can control more than one servo motor with arduino and labview. You need another current source because the PC or Laptop doesn t give the enough current to controlate the servo motors. You can use this program to controlate a rob