- MCS-96单片机中断控制下的多道I_O程序。该程序完成4路采样,并在HSO线上给出相应PWM输出,P2.5上给出另一个PWM输出。-MCS-96 microcontroller suspended under the control of multi-channel I_O procedures. The procedures are completed 4 Sample Road and the HSO line is the corresponding PWM output dry wei
- pmw的有一个例子: PWM 控制 LED 灯渐亮渐灭程序 * 利用定时器控制产生占空比可变的 PWM 波 * 按K1,PWM值增加,则占空比减小,LED 灯渐暗。 * 按K2,PWM值减小,则占空比增加,LED 灯渐亮。 * 当PWM值增加到最大值或减小到最小值时,蜂鸣器将报警 * 资源:p0口,8路指示灯。p1.4,p1.5亮度控制按键(端口按键)p3.7小喇叭报警 ,err
- 本设计以AT89C51单片机为核心,以4*4矩阵键盘做为输入达到控制直流电机的启停、速度和方向,完成了基本要求和发挥部分的要求。在设计中,采用了PWM技术对电机进行控制,通过对占空比的计算达到精确调速的目的。-C51
- 十速TM57PE12_PWM0应用程序。 PB1,PB2,PB3对应按钮k1,k2,k3. 每次按下K1键,PWM0的波形周期将按50US,100US,150US,200US的顺序循环改变。 每次按下K2键,PWM0的波形占空比将按1/5,2/5,3/5,4/5的顺序循环改变。 每次按下K3键,PWM0输出的波形为默认值(周期50us,占空比为1/5)-Ten Speed TM57PE12_PWM0 applications. PB1, PB2, PB3 the correspo
- 多路调光灯 4个LED定义成4个可独立调节亮度的调光灯。用4路PWM方式的输出分别点亮4个LED,各用2个按键对PWM的输入进行LED的亮度控制(2个按键分别为亮度增减,步长自行定义,要求可以实现按总亮度的1 ,5 ,10 和20 等不少于4种步长,由SW3的DIP开关设置)。4路LED间的亮度变化可以按照一定规律关联。-Multi-channel dimmer LED lamp 4 is defined as four independently adjustable brightness
- A 4 legged robot controlled by PIC16F877A. The robot was connected to servo motors and its moving sequences were implemented by using PWM to determine the degree of freedom of the robot.-A 4 legged robot controlled by PIC16F877A. The robot was connec
- Code for generation of PWM in two forms for pic 16f877a.One is the pwm in 4 states, and the other is the PWM in function of the value of the analogic channel.
Turbine Testing Example
- 1. 用模拟PWM信号控制涡轮速度; 2. 使用转速计监测涡轮机每分钟转数(rpm); 3. 触发可用于分析的有限采集; 4. 计算并显示加速度计数据的频率; 5.监测温度,以防止在测试过程中涡轮机过热; 6. 显示温度,转速表速度(rpm),加速度计数据和频率数据到UI。(1. control turbine speed with analog PWM signal; 2. use tachometer to monitor the revolutions per min