- WAVE文件作为多媒体中使用的声波文件格式之一,它是以RIFF格式为标准的。RIFF是英文Resource Interchange File Format的缩写,每个WAVE文件的头四个字节便是“RIFF”。WAVE文件由文件头和数据体两大部分组成。其中文件头又分为RIFF/WAV文件标识段和声音数据格式说明段两部分。WAVE文件各部分内容及格式见附表。-WAVE as a multimedia documents used in the acoustic format, it is based
- 给无头的语音文件添加头,可以自己定义,添加的市标准的RIFF格式的头-without a head to the paper added voice, who can own definition, add to the city's standards for the first RIFF format
- A WAV file is binary file in the RIFF format, RIFF format enables the user to haev multiple information in the same file which can either be used or not. The information is stored in chunks, each chunk have its type (4 chars) and side (dword) s