- here a ll the turbo codes in matlab where to the final of the simulation make a comparation of the S/N of each one of the models-here are all the turbo codes in matlab where to the final of the simulation make a comparation of the S/N of each one of
- 课程设计两个程序:一:数据帧(程序每帧设置为400bit)在有扰信道传输时,采用Turbo码进行编译码。并仿真Log-MAP译码算法在不同迭代次数下的性能。 二:实现有扰信道中,不同信噪比下,采用MAP译码算法的Turbo码的性能。 以上各主程序均有做比较详细的程序注释 可直接运行turbo_main.m或LogMAP.m,稍等片刻即可观察到仿真结果 -two programs of Curriculum design : a: Data frames