- 语音增强算法,基于LsA-MMSE方法,并对其先验信噪比估计器进行了修改,具体过程参看Isal的论文。语音间隙间的音乐噪声也消除了。-speech enhancement algorithms, based on LsA - MMSE, and signal-to-noise ratio of its prior estimate for the changes, See specific process Isal theses. Voice gap between the music also
- 基于Sunplus61A板的语音识别程序(用C语言编写)请去凌阳科技下载开发环境。可以同时识别5句语音或音乐,然后点亮对应的灯。-Speech Recognition Based on Sunplus61A board procedures (using C language), please go to download the development environment Sunplus Technology. Can identify the five voice or music, t
- This the source code to the Massey School of Engineering Speech project.It has the Alice Artificial Intelligence engine included and only needs a Microsoft Agent character to work. The program will work without MSagent as well however. The program
- matlab 基本语音处理,可以实现基本音乐的输入,并做傅里叶变换进行频谱分析-matlab basic speech processing, can achieve basic music input, and to do Fourier transform spectrum analysis
- 音响设备接口(SDI)是专为听觉显示,或AUI(音频用户界面),这已被证明是很好的补充GUI(图形用户界面)学术。目前,SDI实现两个Sound对象:语音和听觉符号为例。言语是在3D世界中的定位语音合成相结合的ViaVoice TTS和,A3D一起。在学术上,这种定位可以帮助用户挑选出所需要的信息,两个同时“显示”的声音。这是所谓的“鸡尾酒会效应”。此外,它可以提高存储器中,添加的位置系数对每一个声音。听觉符号为例,从字面上看,可以显示听觉符号为例容易。听觉符号为例是怎么样的音乐modif,图标
- 对语音识别技术中涉及到的知识用matlab编写了一系列源码供下载,如读取/播放wave文件,音乐信号的时域/频域波形等。-Knowledge of the speech recognition technology involves a series of source code written in matlab for download, such as read/play a wave file, the music signals in time domain/frequency dom
- 我们设计并实现了一种用于实时检测语音基频(pitch)、提取音乐旋律(melody)的软件。 语音或者音乐的基频是一种很重要的特征,可以用在很多研究与应用中。比如:用于普通话语音声调的识别和确认;语音流利度的分析;音乐旋律的提取用于哼唱检索等。读者可以参考我们之前的博文:http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=space&uid=907554&do=blog&id=723808-We design and implement software for r
- 基于BP网络的语言识别,选取民歌、古筝、摇滚和流行四类不同音乐,用BP神经网络实现对这四类音乐的有效分类。-Speech recognition based on BP network, songs, zither, four different types of rock and pop music, with BP neural network classification of these four types of music valid.