- hex code for controlling a TSA5511 phase locked loop chip using a PIC16F84 Also drives a standard 16x1 LCD display. function 16F84(A) L.C.D. notes 0V 5 1, 5 +5 volt 4, 14 2, 3 Display enable 2 6 SCL 17 needs 10k pullup to +
- MASM has a number of built in operators that allow a programmer to use C style evaluation and loop code when writing high level Windows code that interfaces with the operating system. More often than not, low level algorithms do not use any of t
- 汇编程序实现: 程序功能:用深度优先搜索法解决八皇后问题并打印结果. 列数行数分别用1-8标记.所以八皇后的位置申请了9个 调试感慨:汇编调试实在麻烦,不像C中在任何地方加个printf就可以知道 哪错了.跳来跳去的,不知哪里死循环了,实在不好调试. -Assembler to achieve: program features: Using depth-first search method to solve the eight queens prob