- void III_hufman_decode(struct Granule *gr,int part2_start, int freqline[SBLIMIT][SSLIMIT]) { unsigned int reg1, reg2,i unsigned int part3_length = part2_start + gr->part2_3_length unsigned used int h,*f=&freqline[0][0]
- ChP 2 - Real-Time Digital Signal Processing: Implementations and Applications, Second Edition by Sen M. Kuo, Bob h. Lee & Wenshun Tian, ISBN 0470014954-ChP 2- Real-Time Digital Signal Processing: Implementations and Applications, Second Edition by Se
- h.264编解码源程序,一本书上的,忘记书名了。有用的话就下。-h.264 codec source, on a book and forget the title. Useful on the next.
- ColorPicker是一个基于对话框的应用程序,它具有以下功能: 1. 色彩编辑功能 用户可以通过可以调整R、G、B的值来编辑颜色,亦可通过调整h、S、V的值来选取颜色。颜色编辑的结果会马上反馈到颜色面板和颜色预览框中。 2.RGB颜色空间和hSV颜色空间的转换 当改变RGB值,会得到相应的hSV值,并进行显示,反之亦然。 3.取色功能 取色功能包含“面板取色”和“屏幕取色”。面板取色就是用户可以在颜色面板中单击鼠标左键,选取目标点所表示的某种颜色。屏幕取色则是允许用户
- Noch ein Onlinebuch, diesmal aus dem hause Addison-Wesley. Im Gegensatz zu Java 2 in 21 Tagen fixiert sich Go To Java 2 nicht vollst?ndig auf Einsteiger, wenngleich auch diese das Buch benutzen k?nnen. Die eigentliche Zielgruppe sind jedoch Anwender,
- 这是一个同学录,还不错的哦,可以试试的,呵呵!-h
- 卡尔曼滤波程序: kalman filtering-load initial_track s y:initial data,s:data with noise T=0.1 yp denotes the sample value of position yv denotes the sample value of velocity Y=[yp(n) yv(n)] error deviation caused by the random acce
- 12-step reaction mechanism: O2+2CO = 2CO2 (1) h+O2+CO = Oh+CO2 (2) h2+O2+CO = h+Oh+CO2 (3) hO2+CO = Oh+CO2 (4) O2+h2O2+CO = Oh+hO2+CO2 (5) O2+ C2h2 = h+CO2 (6) O2+Ch3+CO+C2h4 = Ch4+CO2+Ch2O+ C2h2 (7)
- C Five-step mechanism submitted to the 26th Symposium C version from March 1996 C Citation: C J. hewson and M. Bollig, C Reduced Mechanisms for NOx Emissions from hydrocarbon Diffusion Flames, C Twenty-Sisxth Symposium (International)
- 这是用matlab写的一个corner detector, 效果比现在流行的harris,susan,CSS等效果要好。 Matlab 确实如此,效果很好,不管是边缘还是角点 -Algorithm is derived from: X.C. he and N.h.C. Yung, Curvature Scale Space Corner Detector with Adaptive Threshold and Dynamic Region of Support , Proceedin
- VC/C++源码,随书源码,C语言《数据结构》全书全部源代码,随书源码下载,部分源码说明: c1-1.h 采用动态分配的顺序存储结构,Triplet类型是ElemType类型的指针,存放ElemType类型的地址; bo2-7.c 多项式(存储结构由c2-6.h定义)的基本操作及算法2.22、2.2... 运行环境:Windows/Visual C/C++ -The VC/C++ source, with the source book, C language data structur
- stm32驱动4X4键盘扫描,用于键盘扫描-/******************************************************************************* * File Name : KeyScan * Descr iption : Serial print out the corresponding key value *************************************************
- 一种轻量级的面向对象的C语言编程框架:LW_OOPC。LW_OOPC是Light-Weight Object-Oriented Programming in(with) C的缩写,总共一个.h文件,20个宏,约130行代码,非常的轻量级,但却很好的支持了很多面向对象的特性,比如继承、多态,可以优美的实现面向接口编程。这个框架系由台湾的高焕堂先生以及他的MISOO团队首创,之后由金永华继续改进优化,最后,经高焕堂同意以LGPL协议开源(开源网址参见后文)。 用C语言实现OO?我没听错吗?这听
- CC1000驱动源码,用于驱动底层,配置为曼码通信模式,三线配置接口,外部中断-// Device: CC1020 // System parameters: // X-tal frequency: 14.745600 Mhz Internal // X-tal accuracy:+/- 5 ppm // RF frequency A: 433.916 Mhz Active Tx // RF frequency B: 433.916 Mhz Inactive Rx
- 简易无线遥控中LCD1602的程序代码。希望对大家有帮助-LCD1602 #include <reg52.h> #include <intrins.h> #define uint unsigned int #define uchar unsigned char //****************************************NRF24L01端口定义*************************************
- 链队列(存储结构由c3-2.h定义)的基本操作(9个) -Chain queue (storage structure by c3-2 h definition) the basic operation of (9)
- 信道估计,we will assume that the receiver knows your name, i.e., it knows s (and of course x). Based on this knowledge, the receiver will estimate h using the MVU and MMSE method (for the latter it is also assumed that the variance of the noise σ2 is
- #include<iom16v.h> #include<macros.h> #define uchar unsigned char #define uint unsigned int uchar senserflag=0 //传感器状态标志 uchar count1=0 uchar jsflag=0 //金属标志 uchar task=1 //任务标志 uint distancedata=0 //路程值 uint distance
- Block Diagonal Waterfilling 功率注水模块-function Optimal_precoder = waterfill_block(h, P,Num_BS_RFchains) Returns optimal covariance matrix and capacity for block diagonal channel h, where h(:,:,1) is first channel, h(:,:,2) is 2nd