- /最优装载问题解法,该程序一条调通,缘自王晓东算法设计-/ Optimal Loading Problem Solution, the program pass a tune fate since Xiaodong algorithm design
- 一个可执行的nbc算法设计与实现 有助大家互相探讨学习-Nbc an executable algorithm design and implementation will help everyone to explore each other study
- 水印系统必然要在算法的鲁棒性、水印的嵌入信息量以及水印嵌入之后的不可觉察性之间达到一个平衡。这涉及鲁棒性算法的原理性设计、水印的构造模型、水印能量和容量的理论估计、-Watermarking system must be robust in the algorithm, the embedded watermark information, as well as after the watermark embedding is not aware of to achieve a balance
- 算法设计与分析 王晓东 课后答案全解析,全面帮助大家解决书中的疑难问题-Algorithm Design and Analysis Xiaodong answer to the whole after-school analysis, a comprehensive book to help people solve the difficult problems
- 均衡技术是克服码间干扰(Inter-Symbol Interference,ISI)的有效措施,由于信道特性的随机性与时变性,实际中消除码间干扰最常用的是自适应均衡器。本文对基于最小均方(Least Mean Squares,LMS)算法和递推最小二乘(Recursive Least Squares,RLS)算法的自适应均衡器进行仿真研究,分析了信道特性与设计参数对自适应均衡器的收敛速度与稳态性能的影响。 -Equalization technique is to overcome inte
- 算法设计与分析全部作业及实验资料. 第1章 最大覆盖问题 第2章 排列的字典序问题 第3章 depot仓库布局问题 第4章 priest繁忙的牧师 第5章 egypt埃及分数问题 第6章 squard方格移动问题 第7章 work工作安排问题 课堂算法 连续背包问题 课堂算法 作业调度问题 实验1 字典序问题 实验2 高精度乘法 实验3 0/1背包问题(DP) -Algorithm design and analysis of
- 基于单文档的推箱子游戏,界面设计比较漂亮,共设置了六关,有些算法设计方面还不太完善,希望对大家学习MFC游戏编程有所帮助!-Sokoban game based on a single document, interface design more beautiful, and a total of six set off, some algorithm design is not yet complete, we want to learn MFC programming game help!
- 为了进一步提高直接序列/跳频(DS/FH)扩频系统的抗干扰能力,基于小波包变换结合递归最小二乘算法设计 了一种变换域自适应干扰抑制算法,该算法采用小波包分解定位窄带干扰,递归最小二乘算法抑制窄带干扰。通过蒙特卡 罗仿真分析在增加抗干扰模块后,DS/FH系统工作在准静态时,在不同信噪比条件下抗窄带干扰性能。仿真结果表明:该 算法具有较强的自适应性以及抗窄带干扰能力,其性能优于传统的直接置零法,适用于多音干扰下的恶劣通信环境。-In order to further improve th
- isodata算法是一种常用的聚类算法,在Envi软件中分类可用到,该文档是isodata算法的设计思路与算法设计,引用百度文库。-isodata algorithm is a popular clustering algorithm, classification Envi software available to the document isodata algorithm design ideas and algorithm design, and reference Baidu lib
- K均值算法是一种常用的聚类算法,在Envi软件中分类可用到,该文档是isodata算法的设计思路与算法设计,引用百度文库。-k-means algorithm is a popular clustering algorithm, classification Envi software available to the document isodata algorithm design ideas and algorithm design, and reference Baidu library
- 关于骑士问题的完美算法,提供给算法分析与设计的朋友参考,可以用于交作业系统-The knight of the perfect algorithm, provided to the algorithm analysis and design of a friend of reference, can be used to pay the operating system
- 这个是背包问题,是java中算法设计的一个重要内容-This knapsack problem is an important content of java algorithm design
- 拉斯维加斯的多皇后问题的程序源码,学习算法设计与分析的童鞋会用的到的-Las Vegas, queens problem program source code, learning algorithm design and analysis of children s shoes to the
- 算法设计、分析与实现从入门到精通:C、C++和Java . 徐子珊.配套书籍源码 -Algorithm design, analysis and implementation of entry to the master: C, C++ and Java. Kate. Supporting source books
- 算法程序与设计试验中的经典算法的源代码:像是分治递归,贪心,回溯等。-Algorithm design test of the classical algorithm source code: such as divide and conquer recursion, greedy, backtracking.
- 关于黑白图像面积计算的DBSCAN聚类算法的设计与实现-Black and white image area on the DBSCAN clustering algorithm design and implementation
- 计算机算法设计与分析中的一些算法的实现的源代码-The realization of the computer algorithm design and analysis of some of the source code
- 最少硬币问题,动态规划,算法设计与分析,研究生课程-Minimum coin problem, dynamic programming, algorithm design and analysis, postgraduate courses
- 为避免参数选取范围过大,可先按经验选取一组数,然后在这组参数的周围利用遗传算法设计。-To avoid the parameter selection is too large, you can select a group of experienced press the number, then this set of parameters around the use of genetic algorithm design.
- 前三章是数据结构基础知识、常用的查找排序算法,常用的算法思想等。后面的主要是一些数学趣题、数值计算题、算法设计及面试题等-The first three chapters are the basics of data structures, to find common sorting algorithm, commonly used algorithm ideas. Mainly some math behind interesting questions, numerical questio