- This PNG Delphi version 1.56 documentation (this version is a major rewrite intended to replace the previous version, 1.2). Improvements in this new version includes: This new version allows the programmer to not use Delphi heavy units which
- 写卡器的串口测试程序, 有delphi的,vb的... 涉用到好几有语言, 还包括说明,Smart card serial testing procedures, there delphi s, vb ... involving use of several language, but also including a descr iption of
- 小票样式打印模板设计,和管家婆的pos收银系统小票样式设计差不多,Small ticket printing template style designs, and the housekeeper s pos cash register system small votes style design almost
- Delphi 台球游戏瞄准定位程序源代码,通过本代码你将了解到,用圆圈套住球桌左下角的白球中间的绿十字、使绿十字完全在放大镜的中心方框内,按下F2键;用圆圈套住要打的目标球,使目标球完全在放大镜的圆内,按下F键;选中目标球后,按下相应的键,鼠标会自动移到相应可以打进球的位置 Q-左上洞;W-上中洞;E-右上洞;A-左下洞;S-下中洞 D-右下洞等。-Delphi billiards game aimed at positioning program code, you will learn th
- The Data Encryption Standard (DES, /ˌ diː ˌ iː ˈ ɛ s/ or /ˈ dɛ z/) is a previously predominant algorithm for the encryption of electronic data
- Iocomp s ActiveX/VCL Pro Pack is a suite of 60 controls written for use in creating professional instrumentation applications using ActiveX or VCL development environments. Includes our Std Pack plus 31 additional controls-Iocomp s ActiveX/VCL Pro Pa
Delphi 中调用JS文件中的方法
- Delphi 中调用JS文件中的方法 js代码: function getTime(){ var d, s = ""; var c = ""; d = new Date(); s += d.getYear()+c; s += (d.getMonth() + 1) + c; s += d.getDate() + c; s += d.getHours() + c; s += d.getMinutes() + c; s += d.get