- This PNG Delphi version 1.56 documentation (this version is a major rewrite intended to replace the previous version, 1.2). Improvements in this new version includes: This new version allows the programmer to not use Delphi heavy units which
- 人工智能算法包含各种情况可在Delphi和C++中使用-artificial intelligence algorithms encompass a variety of situations in Delphi and C use
- 当今电脑围棋的最新最强的算法 用Delphi实现,Go up-to-date in today s most powerful computer algorithms using Delphi to achieve
- 【最新for delphi 2010全源码版本】 应用程序设置管理是任何应用程序和基础的重要组成部分。通常TIniFile和TRegistry类用于这一目的。Storage Library为应用程序设置管理的新途径。Storage Library是为应用程序设置工作,使组件的集合。Storage Library的概念是非常优雅和简单的: *TrsStorage -主要含有类似的内存结构树中的所有数据 *一些TrsStorageData控件与ini,XML文件,注册表或TS
- Tomes of Delphi: Algorithms and Data Structures by Julian Bucknall This book about Algorithms and Data Structures is a highly sophisticated title targeted for advanced developers. Author Julian Bucknall works for one of Inprise s leading and ol
- 数字图像处理算法之形态学运算闭操作Delphi 源码本例演示了如何使用形态学的闭操作。在本例中,使用闭操作填补了目标上存在的缝隙和沟槽。-Digital image processing algorithms of morphological operations closing and Delphi source code of this example demonstrates how to use the morphological closing operation. In this c
- fortran to pascal converter helps in converting the lage numerical fortran algorithms to pascal then to delphi
- programmer chips The control program may be the following: Open and save files in HEX and BIN, at the same time to make the transformation from one to another. Open files up to 64 Mb. At the same time work with the file does not depend on
- 在毕业设计文件的文件夹中,主要介绍了在delphi中,利用各种不同的算法来实现建立在位图上的不同效果,其中主要介绍的有曝光、浮雕、马赛克、模糊、锐化、添加杂色、喷溅、霓虹、90度旋转、水平翻转、垂直翻转。另外还做了当步撤销和图像的缩放,还有简单的jpg,bmp的格式转换。 在chap1文件夹中,有关于图像格式转换,图像浏览器等的源程序。在chap2文件夹包括灰度直方图,二值化,对比度等的源程序。在chap3文件夹中,有关于几何变换的源程序。在chap4文件夹中,有关于通道,颜色调节,颜色混合
- BASE64+DES+3DES算法调用Base64单元中的两个函数来实现Base64加密解密算法重新定义函数并调用DES单元中的两个函数来实现3DES加密解密算法 Key为16位.-BASE64+DES+3DES algorithm calls two functions Base64 unit to implement the the Base64 encryption and decryption algorithms redefine the function and call the t
- This PNG Delphi version 1.56 documentation (this version is a major rewrite intended to replace the previous version, 1.2). Improvements in this new version includes: This new version allows the programmer to not use Delphi heavy units which
- Delphi:Delphi环境使用SHA算法加密文件和字符的实例,或许有些朋友对SHA不太熟悉,其实这种算法经常可看到,比如从网上下载的一些DLL文件中,你可点击右键查看DLL属性,在“验证”一栏中,往往可以看到MD5校验码、SHA码、CRC32码等不同的加密算法验证码,当然,不只是DLL文件中,其它的文件像EXE也可以存在这些信息的,所以说SHA加密文件已经普遍,有必要通过本源码学习一下SHA加密的原理和实现方法。 -Delphi: Delphi environment instance