- 自编的十个Java applet小程序,有绘制笑脸,移动笑脸,闪烁字幕,正旋余玄曲线等,还有一些组合框的控件。 -writing small programs Java applet, drawing a smiley face, mobile smiling, flashing subtitles, is rotating Yuxuan curve, and some combination of the control box.
- 一个笑脸 可以根据自己的绘画水平自己生成笑脸 !~
- 扫雷游戏应实现的功能:点击“开始”或点击“笑脸”进入游戏,扫雷典型操作项:左键扫雷,右键标记为地雷(即插上红旗),再点右键记为不明情况(即变为问号),再点右键取消不明情况。左右键同时按下或按下中键,以按下的方格为中心的3*3矩形范围方格皆陷下,游戏成功点开始快捷按钮,重新游戏或退出;游戏失败点开始快捷按钮,重新游戏或退出。-Mine should be the realization of the functions of the game: Click the Start or click
- 编写“变脸”程序: 将1和2结合, 再加入一个事件处理程序mouseUp(),使程序运行后出现一张笑脸,鼠标点击一次则变成哭脸,再点击一次又变成笑脸,依次轮换。+开发一个加、减、乘、除四则运算器-The preparation of the program of the " face" : 1 and 2 together, then add an event handler for mouseUp (), the program runs a smiley face, a mo
- 建立一个笑脸类,通过Applet和Application程序调用这个类并显示笑脸。-The establishment of a smiley face class, through the Applet and Application procedures for calling the class and display faces.
- 为了给生活加点调料 可以通过Java实现笑脸的实现-In order to add a little spice of life can be achieved through the Java implementation of smiley face
- 这是一个flash源文件,效果很好,测试平台为flash 8.0(如果提示问题请选择合适的版本试试),代码的效果是:笑脸-This is a flash source file, the effect is good, the test platform for flash 8.0 (if the question, please select the appropriate version to try), the effect of the code is: smile
- java画笑脸,应用java程序在面板上画出一个笑脸,并添加到窗体上。-To draw a smiling face with java.The program is simple but it is right.And the face is yellow,and the other color is black.
- 笑脸变换,北邮计算机大二上java第七次作业-smilling face
- 利用js开发的在线答题小程序,功能如下:1、可以显示剩余做题时间,并在剩余半分钟时弹出提示;2、不允许提前交卷,(为测试方便)最快只能在9秒钟后交卷;3、不允许复制网页内容,如果复制,将提出警告;4、提交答卷后,可以查看答题信息(对错情况及评分总结,打错显示哭脸,正确显示笑脸,未答显示锤头),如果该题打错,点击将获得答题提示,点击题号(如第一题),可直接跳转到该题-Use js online answer small program development, functions as follo
- 愤怒的小鸟是一款“亿人迷”的游戏,据说大家喜欢它的原因在于大家喜欢抛物线胜过直线。例题8.15-8.16是笑脸图片直线运动的例子,请修改它的运动轨迹,将它改成抛物线运动。-Angry bird is a million fans, the game, said that everyone likes it because of you like a parabola than a straight line. Example 8.15-8.16 smiley picture examples o
- 画出一个笑脸,颜色黄色,脸部为正圆,包括眼睛和嘴-Draw a smiley face, the color yellow, the face is a perfect circle, including the eyes and mouth
- 次源码来自 《JAVA完美编程》,测试Graphics类,在图形界面上划出笑脸。-Secondary source from the " JAVA perfect programming, test the Graphics class to draw a smiley face on the graphical interface.
- 利用鼠标进行绘图 点击窗口中的空白处,得到一张“笑脸”的图像; 点击已存在的图像,图像在“笑脸”和“哭脸”之间切换; 用鼠标可以对图像进行拖动操作; 在窗口左上角,显示当前鼠标光标的位置 -Using the mouse to the drawing Click on the window in the space below, to get an image of "smiling face" Click on the existing image, the i
- 这是代码的ASP聊天,第二版的“简单的ASP聊天”,包含一些新功能,像笑脸符号,禁止一些单词,更加安全方便。-This is the code of the ASP chat, the second edition of the " simple ASP chat" , contains a number of new features, like a smiley face to prohibit some words more safe and convenient.
- 它有一个活跃的用户列表,可以使用超过48个笑脸符号。当信息需要滚动时,它有一个非常好看的滚动。并且存储供以后使用的所有信息。-It has an active user list, you can use more than 48 smiley face. When the information need to scroll, it has a very nice scrolling. And stored for later use.
- 同学写的笑脸变化图,也是主要练习的画图与按钮使用技巧。-a picture of face changing
- 关于JAVA编程实现图新界面的小程序,包括4. j 编写画出笑脸(如下图左)的程序。 k 编写画出哭脸(如下图右)的程序。 l 编写“变脸”程序: 将1和2结合, 再加入一个事件处理程序mouseUp(),使程序运行后出现一张笑脸,鼠标点击一次则变成哭脸,再点击一次又变成笑脸,依次轮换。 -Figure on the JAVA programming applets new interface, including 4. J prepared to draw smiley fac
- 可以在android模拟器上运行的用paint画笔画出来的笑脸(A smiley face painted with an paint brush that can run on the Android simulator)
- 今天我们来分享一组利用HTML5和SVG实现的可爱笑脸动画,它们是色彩各异的一组泥娃娃的脸,默认的时候就出现眨眼和微笑的动画,当你把鼠标滑过它们时,就像是感受到了主人的抚摸一样上下跳动起来,真的是非常可爱。(Today we share a lovely group of cute smiling face animations using HTML5 and SVG. They are a colorful group of dolls' faces, with blinks and smil