- 这是我当时为了完成毕设,自己使用lucene、heritrix写的一个搜索引擎系统,能够实现比较简单的搜索,希望对想要的人有点用处-This is my time to complete in order to complete the set, their use of lucene, heritrix Writing a search engine system, be able to achieve relatively simple english, I hope people want
- 实现了网页,MP3,和文档搜索的收索引擎,包含了网络蜘蛛和搜索实现两部份,功能比较简单,但体现了整个搜索引擎开发流程-Implements web, MP3, and document search engine claims received, including web spider and search implementation of two parts, the function is relatively simple, but it reflects the entire sea
- Arook多元搜索引擎,聚合国内各大搜索引擎的搜索结果,广告过滤,去除重复结果,按指定权重重新排列搜索结果,支持自定义引擎、权重、简单搜索语法。 Tags: Arook多元搜索-Arook of multiple search engines and polymerization of domestic each big search engine search results, ad filter, remove duplicate results, according to the sp
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