- Delve into the fundamental architectural principles and techniques for developing service-oriented AJAX applications for the enterprise. This guide offers a code-heavy, example-based approach to learning how to write a modern services API and an AJAX
- 研究火灾发生时楼梯等地点容易产生拥堵的地方的人流研究,给出最佳路径-FireEscape A Genetic Programming Approach to the Optimization of Building Evacuations Contribute to the FireEscape program now Abstract Many evacuation routes are drawn without considering traffic flow patt
- 网上书店系统是目前Internet上广泛使用的在线系统之一。一个现代化的网上书店在正常运营中需要对进书、售书、库存、统计信息以及个人信息进行管理,这些信息数量巨大而且处理起来十分复杂。传统的管理方法既浪费人力物力,又存在很多漏洞,一旦出现错误可能会造成不可估量的损失。因此,设计一个智能化、系统化、信息化的网上图书销售管理系统是十分必要的。-Online bookstore system is one of the online system is now widely used on the I
- 通过分析企业会议的信息管理需求,根据会议信息的业务流程,从会议发布到会议总结、形成会议纪要、进行存档等过程,有效利用网络实现现代无纸化办公。数据库为Oracle,采用JSP+Bean的方式。-Through the analysis of the enterprises meeting the requirements of information management, according to the business process information session, the me