- 利用随机数产生一个10行,10列的整型矩阵。完成如下操作: a)输出矩阵中元素的最大值及最大值所在的位置(行、列值) b)输出该矩阵的转置矩阵。 -Random number generator using a 10-row, 10 of the integer matrix. Complete the following actions: a) the output matrix elements in the location of the maximum and the max
- 连连看,从如何建立和布局,如何随机建立一个连连看的矩阵,如何判断两个是一样的,如何消去两个一样的,如何找到两个一样的之间的路径-Lianliankan, from how to set up and layout, how to build a Lianliankan random matrix, how to judge the two are the same, how to eliminate the two the same, how to find the path between t
- 隨機在矩陣內產生字串,輸入欲選取的編號數,搜尋出並排列及顯示執行時間-Random string is generated in the matrix, enter the number of selected number of wish to search out and arrange and display the execution time
- Test为输出60到69之间的随机数,Dig为用非递归求n的阶乘,ball为标签彩色球,YH为杨辉三角,Q21为矩阵转置。-Test the output of 60 to 69 random numbers between, Dig for the use of non-recursive find n factorial, ball color ball for the label, YH for the Yang Hui triangle, Q21 for the matrix trans
- java的一个简单练习,实现在5*5矩阵上1-25数字快速随机排列,有图形化界面。-5* 5 matrix to achieve the number of fast random order on 1-25, there is a graphical interface.
- 个人原创代码:编写Java Application程序的方法,声明一个矩阵类Matrix,成员变量是一个二维数组,设数组元素类型为int,请设计方法: (1)构造方法: Matrix() //构造一个10X10个元素的矩阵,没有数据 Matrix(int n,int m) //构造一个nXm个元素的矩阵,数据由随机数产生 Matrix(int table[][]) //以一个整型的二维数组构造一个矩阵 要求使用 this (2) 实例方法: public void
- 我是一名在读大学生,非CS专业的学生,只是因为自己感兴趣,所以踏上了学习java的路,现在还是处于初步阶段,这个代码是一段工业工程仿真模拟中的随机关系矩阵的产生 。-I was a university student in reading, non-CS majors, just because they are interested, so embarked on the road to learn java, now or at a preliminary stage, this code
- 采用随机数产生2到10阶的随机矩阵,并实现了矩阵的相关运算,比如:加减,乘除,求逆,求行列式-Using random Numbers generated random matrix from 2 to 10 order , and achieving relative to the implementation of the matrix operations, such as: add and subtract, multiple and divided, inverse and deter
- Sum of two random matrix is done here.
- create random ecoc matrix, trying to maximize HD between rows and cols.
- EnableQ提供的问卷设计功能包含最为全面的20多种调查问卷问题题型,不仅包含基础的单选、多选、填空、多行填空问题题型,更囊括矩阵单选、评分、比重、排序、文件上传等高阶问题类型。多个不同或相同的问题题型可在同一调查问卷中随意组合,更有通过对问题题型的配置选项与有效性校验等高级控制,以满足更多的题型要求。-Contains function of questionnaire design in EnableQ provides the most comprehensive 20 kinds of