- 这实一个求最短路径的实验,对初学者很有用,特别实学习 数据结构的同学-This is a shortest path experiment, very useful for beginners, in particular data structure is learning students
- 和树类似,图的遍历是图的一种主要操作,可以通过遍历判别图中任意两个顶点之间是否存在路径、判别给定的图是否是连通图并可求得非连通图的各个连通分量,但对于带权图(网),其最小生成树或最短路径都取决于弧或边上的权值,则需要有特定的算法求解。-and similar trees, graph traversal map is a major operation, Discrimination can traverse map between any two vertices existence trai
- 最短路径算法的一种高效实现。适合在节点密集的环境中找两点之间的最短路径。-shortest path algorithm to achieve a highly efficient. Suitable for the node-intensive environment between 2:00 find the shortest path.
- 这是一份实验报告,里面含有JAVA 实现的最短路径的源码。论文中讨论的最短路径的发展和各个算法的局限性。并对最短路径存在的一些问题提出思考!-This is a test report, which contains the shortest path to achieve JAVA source code. Papers discussed in the shortest path algorithm development and the various limitations. The s
- 这是我根据A*算法,通过javascr ipt实现的最短路径程序。可以说,程序非常糟糕,不过总算是实现了。思路是起点和终点的跑动过程中,我们中间可能会遇到障碍物,所以,我们不能仅仅是两点一直线,而是聪明的饶过障碍物进行聪明的跑动-This is my under the A* algorithm, through the javascr ipt to achieve the shortest path procedure. It can be said that the procedure is
- java编写的最短路径算法,先由启发式方法获得染色体的初始编码,然后由遗传算法求出最短路径,对解决物流领域的TSP是非常好的计算机实现-java prepared by the shortest path algorithm, by the heuristic method to obtain the initial encoding of chromosome, and then by the genetic algorithm to derive the shortest path to s
- java 实现的一些算法: 赛选法求素数,最短路径(dijkstra,floyd),线段树,LCD,LCM-java implementation of a number of algorithms: tournament selection method Primes, the shortest path (dijkstra, floyd), segment tree, LCD, LCM
- 1.程序基于java语言。运行要求java运行环境。即就使jdk1.2以上。否则程序无法运行。 2.程序中读图时,可以选择读有向图还是无向图。 3.本程序为一个图的综合运行环境。提供了图的各种操作。包括读图,DFS判断图中是否存在 环路,BFS全局访问,两点之间的最短路径,屏幕清空。并且跟踪说明了图的各种操作的 过程。 4.程序可以多次的读图,进行图的各种操作。点击面板上的各种按钮就可以进行各种操作。-1. Procedures based on the java language.
- 采用了动态规划法即FLOYD算法利用矩阵求多源最短路径的JAVA实现-Using a dynamic programming method that is FLOYD algorithm uses matrix Multi-source shortest path to achieve JAVA
- 这是一个用Java编写的最短路算法,很实用。-It is written in Java using a shortest path algorithm is very practical.
- Simplified version of a system that finds the fastest or shortest trip along a network of roads, is an instance of the single-source, positive-weighted, shortest-path problem. In other words, from one particular vertex (a “single source”), we’ll be f
- 旅游路径检索,运用一点数据结构中的最短路径求最优解的算法,进行调用-Travel the path search, the use of the data structure that seek optimal solutions of the shortest path algorithm, a call
- 这是确定起点的最短路径动画演示 - 即已知起始结点,求最短路径的问题的动画演示. -This is a animation of according a knowing starting point to determine the shortest path s animation- that is, the starting node is known,and find the shortest path .
- Dijkstra s algorithm!!! How you can find the shortest path in a graph
- 你的朋友Jefferson在一个二维迷宫(可以视为是有N*M个格子的方阵)中迷了路,他目前只知道他的起始坐标(startX, startY)和他需要抵达的目的地坐标(destX, destY)。然而迷宫中有许多格子是不能进入的,还有一些格子是收费的——要知道Jefferson手头的现金(cash)极其有限。所以现在你需要写一个程序来帮助他:给出一条步数最短的路径,让Jefferson能够用手头的现金抵达目的地。 1. 迷宫表示,迷宫用一个二维矩阵表示。当用户输入N,M后,计算机随机生成一个N
- "Two techiniques for finding shortest path" is a IEEE project and i giva a sample code for that project.
- This is a graph search algorithm that solves the single-source shortest path problem for a graph with nonnegative edge path costs, producing a shortest path tree. This algorithm is often used in routing and as a subroutine in other graph algorithms.
- Dijkstra s algorithm, conceived by Dutch computer scientist Edsger Dijkstra in 1956 and published in 1959,[1][2] is a graph search algorithm that solves the single-source shortest path problem for a graph with nonnegative edge path costs, producing a
- java实现的动态规划算法,从指定文件中获取图,判断是否存在最短路径并求出其最短路径-java implementation of the dynamic programming algorithm to obtain the diagram from the specified file to determine whether there is a shortest path and calculate the shortest path
- A-star算法求最短路径。 公式表示为: f(n) g(n)+h(n), 其中 f(n) 是从初始状态经由状态n到目标状态的代价估计, g(n) 是在状态空间中从初始状态到状态n的实际代价, h(n) 是从状态n到目标状态的最佳路径的估计代价。-A-star algorithm for the shortest path. Formula is expressed as: f (n) g (n)+h (n), where f (n) the initial s