- Java applet that allows to create a customised spatial data set for clustering, by clicking with the mouse in a panel. Data coordinates appear in the right box and a matrix of Euclidean/ cosine distances between the points can be calculated by select
- EnableQ提供的问卷设计功能包含最为全面的20多种调查问卷问题题型,不仅包含基础的单选、多选、填空、多行填空问题题型,更囊括矩阵单选、评分、比重、排序、文件上传等高阶问题类型。多个不同或相同的问题题型可在同一调查问卷中随意组合,更有通过对问题题型的配置选项与有效性校验等高级控制,以满足更多的题型要求。-Contains function of questionnaire design in EnableQ provides the most comprehensive 20 kinds of