- 1、锁定某个主题抓取; 2、能够产生日志文本文件,格式为:时间戳(timestamp)、URL; 3、抓取某一URL时最多允许建立2个连接(注意:本地作网页解析的线程数则不限) 4、遵守文明蜘蛛规则:必须分析robots.txt文件和meta tag有无限制;一个线程抓完一个网页后要sleep 2秒钟; 5、能对HTML网页进行解析,提取出链接URL,能判别提取的URL是否已处理过,不重复解析已crawl过的网页; 6、能够对spider/crawler程序的一些基本参数进行
- 利用Socket编程制作一个简单的C/S应用。其中,Client端为GUI程序,用于提供界面输入两个数,并有1个“发送”按钮,另外还有一个 TextField用于显示传来的计算结果;Server端用于监听连接请求、计算发送过来的两数的和、送回数据结果。-Socket programming produced using a simple C / S applications. Which side of the GUI Client procedures used to provide inpu
- Java编写的GUI聊天工具,基于Netbeans 6.0.1编写。里面包含有两个项目,一个server端,一个client端。
- Java GUI实现的聊天软件,分客房和服务器端-A chat soft base on Java GUI,it can divide into server and client two parts.
- 作为练习编写的GUI聊天小软件。只支持一个服务器对一个客户机。其中用到thinking in java作者的一个Swing工具-Prepared to practice as a small software GUI chat. Only supports one server to a client. Used a Swing tool from Thinking in Java
- ThinWire是一个AJAX框架建设电零足迹Ajax的浏览器应用程序,感觉桌面图形界面应用程序。计划阿贾克斯在服务器上,使用的是事件驱动的GUI模式,重新程序逻辑。所有主要的Ajax支持的浏览器!-ThinWire is an Ajax RIA framework for building zero footprint Ajax browser applications that feel like desktop GUI applications. Program Ajax on t
- A client/server application that implements the game of Boomberman. This example broadcasts information via a multicast socket, builds its GUI with Swing components, uses multiple synchronous threads, and communicates with RMI
- java语言制作的简易考试系统 实现GUI界面,文件的读取,登入界面与答题界面的转换,客户端向服务器端发送帐号和密码的请求,服务器端客户端发送题目和选项。-java language examination system simple GUI interface, documents read, login interface converters interface with the answer, the client to the server-side account and passw
- Rewritten on 08/30/06 In this rewrite, the GUI is virtually the same, but the underlying code has had a major rewrite. In the previous version, there was one table. In this version, we have gone to multiple tables, where a table represents one tool,
- Simple and small Java client server applciation that uses a console server an multiple GUI(Swing) clients to connect and exchange messages. This example uses Stream decoration to transfer text messages: DataInputStream, BufferedInputStream, InputStre
- Java Mask Barcode是一款纯java条形码图像生成器(条码打印工具),它是Mask工具包中的一员. 我们采用java技术,提供Servlet,Applet和Swing等多种方式,使您既可以在服务器端Servlet程序中动态的生成JPEG格式的条形码图片文件,也可以在HTML页面中以Applet的方式嵌入条码图形,或者是在Swing等图形界面程序中嵌入条码图形,从而可以方便的调用IE自带的打印功能随心所欲的打印条码.-Java Mask Barcode is a pure jav
- 这个系统的功能是模拟ATM机的登陆、取款、存款、转帐、查询余额、更改密码等功能,利用了JDBC接口、GUI、数据库SQL Server-The system' s function is to simulate the landing of ATM machines, withdrawals, deposits, transfers, check balances, change your password and other functions, use of JDBC interfac
- listen线程 服务器界面编程console的内容调用到文本框中 -listen threaded server GUI console the contents of the call into the text box
- A simple java program with GUI, to share files as the same way of limewire, this program works with a server to share de list of files, and search files, however the download is peer-to-peer
- 实现服务器与客户端之间的会话(简单图形界面)——客户端与服务器端设置监听-Between server and client to achieve the session (simple GUI)- client and server-side monitor settings
- this the complete java base FTP client(GUI). you can connect any FTP server .-this is the complete java base FTP client(GUI). you can connect any FTP server .
- 用java编写的socket程序 仅供初学者参考,本程序可以实现服务器和客户端的通讯,以后我会陆续放出带有gui的更完美的版本-Prepared using java socket program only advanced users, this program can be server and client communications in the future I will continue to release more perfect with the gui version
- GUI编程与观察者模式。实现一个简单的聊天程序,实现客户端和服务器端的消息互通-GUI programming and observer mode. To implement a simple chat program, to achieve client and server side message exchange
- GUI 介绍如何从客户端将数据传送到服务端,Java实训课常常会用到,很实用的一个代码-GUI shows you how to transfer data from the client to the server, Java training courses often use, very practical code
Java Banking
- bangking分为服务端与客户端,客户端在进行登录后从服务端获取数据,可进行取款,查询,存款操作;服务端可进行添加,删除,修改用户。(Bangking is divided into server and client, the client after the login, from the server to obtain data, withdrawals, inquiries, deposit operations; server can add, delete, modify use