- java web服务应用开发详解 是java程序员必备的好东东,包括Web服务概述、XML语言及其编程接口、SOAP、应用ApacheSOAP进行编程、WSDL、UDDI等Java技术内容
- webservice开发流程实例程序以及图片数据的访问和存取-Examples of procedures and the development process
- 服务组合源码,对DAML-S标注的web服务进行组合并执行。-Web Service Composer is a program to compose and execute web services annotated with DAML-S. Composer reads web services described in DAML-S, presents the services to the user as a list, allows the user to filter this l
- creating web service by java. in wsdl and uddi and soap are creating automatically.-creating web service by java. in wsdl and uddi and soap are creating automatically.
- 利用eclipse插件,自动根据bpel流程的wsdl(加减法、HelloWorld),生成webservice的java接口,并写了servlet以及index.jsp用以测试。-Use eclipse plug-in, automated process under bpel wsdl (add and subtract, HelloWorld), generate the java webservice interface, and wrote a servlet and the inde
- Java Web Services in a Nutshell Java Web Services in a Nutshell begins with an introduction to Java web services, including a discussion of how they differ from web applications. The author looks at the protocols and interfaces that underpin web
- It is a good guide to webservice development introduce in java. Include wsdl, soap,signature/encrypted and so on.
- Java Web Services shows you how to use SOAP to perform remote method calls and message passing how to use WSDL to describe the interface to a web service or understand the interface of someone else s service and how to use UDDI to advertise (publ
- Java Spell Checker SOA Based on WSDL
- java实现的可根据wsdl生成通用调用webservice方法-call webservice
- WSDl to Java 可以自动生成webservice java代码-WSDl to Java
- This book is suitable for those who would like to learn how to develop web services in Java.(This book is suitable for those who would like to learn how to develop web services in Java.If you'd like to learn how to create web services (in particula
- 基于cxf实现的,根据wsdl实现的java客户端,有两种方式实现,供入门者参考: 1.通过eclipse自带的“右键-->new-->Web Services-->Web Service Client”根据wsdl生成本地代码实现 2.基于JDK自带的wsimport命令生成本地代码实现(Based on cxf, java client implemented according to bell 1 can be implemented in two ways for be