- 极有价值的声学模型自动训练脚本。自动训练声学模型的配置脚本文件,采用HTK,运行环境为linux。指定声音目录和字典后将自动训练,可选择单因子或多音字-Automatic configuration of the acoustic model training scr ipt file, using HTK, operating environment for linux. Specify the directory and a dictionary will automatically sou
- Unix/Linux脚本编程: perl部分Perl 的设计目标是帮助 UNIX 用户完成一些常见的任务,这些任务对于 Shell 来说过于沉重或对移植性要求过于严格。Perl 语言中包含了 C、C++、shell,scr ipt、sed、awk 这几个语言的语法,它最初的目的就是用来取代 UNIX 中 sed/awk 与 脚本语言的组合,用来汇整信息,产生报表。因此 Perl 语言要远远比前面讲的 BASH 复杂和功能强大-Unix/Linux scr ipting: perl Perl pa
- 在linux操作系统下,用shell脚本调用java程序-In the linux environment,use shell scr ipt to call a java code.
- CrimePack (3.1.3) is a new twist on an old glory of the scene of crimeware. This new version of the exploit kit has something new from the previous version, and the obfuscation of Java code to bypass antivirus or PDF-genertor, which the creator is a
- JIPtables - Java api for linux firewall by Daniel Zozin <meltingshell@gmail.com> This API provide an iterface to the iptables firewall, to linux netfilter log and connection api The jIPtables rule management allow to parse, generate
- 把java程序打包成jar包,拷贝到linux上执行时能运行shell脚本-The packaged into a jar java program package, copy to run on linux shell scr ipt execution
- linux on android 安卓运行linux 放在ubuntu.文件夹的文件-linux on android
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- Find out what you were doing on your PC via periodically taken screenshots. Python scr ipt for Linux and similar systems. SpyOnMe is a tiny python scr ipt that takes screenshots in predefined interval and saves them in predefined directory. Screensho