- XP Look And Feel
- Metalworks is a simple Swing-based simulated e-mail application. It shows off several features of Swing, including JInternalFrame, JTabbedPane, JFileChooser, JEditorPane, and JRadioButtonMenuItem. Metalworks is optimized to work with the Java
- Skin Look And Feel 1.2.10, 给你的java程序换肤, 支持大量通用皮肤文件.-Skin Look And Feel 1.2.10, to your java procedures common. Support of a large number of common skin file.
- Swing Windows XP 外观和感觉 BeanSoft 修改版, 2003年 原始的作者: XP 外观和感觉 by Stefan Krause - http://www.stefan-krause.com/java/ 做了以下修改: 1. 显示内部窗体时使用了正确的字体(原版在中文 Windows 版本下运行时不能正确显示 Unicode 字符) 2. 现在这个软件可以运行在 Linux 下了, 而不是只能运行在 Windows XP 下, 也能运行
- JAVA图书馆管理系统 sqlserver2000 + SWING + look and feel
- This Java Chat, is purely AWT Based, No Swing Components used and still it has great look and feel. For this Application, I have developed own Tab Control and Image Canvas.
- Dynarch Navigation Bar Installation notes — how to install in your website. Customization — changing the look and feel. Support — if anything goes wrong, contact us.
- java look and feel 的例子,可以学学怎么给java gui 程序换皮肤-java look and feel of the examples, you can learn how to program java gui for skin
- This a Rural Dispensary Management System developed in Java Swing. Liquid Aqua look and feel had been used and can provide a good example for developing basic applications in Swing. it can also be used as an Rural Dispensary Management System by itse
- JAVA look and feel使用示例-the function sample of JAVA s look and feel
- 一个java swing 3D 特性的Look and Feel. 可以更换java 桌面程序的UI -Characteristics of a java swing 3D Look and Feel. Can change the UI java desktop
- Swing中的所有组件全部用Java语言实现。 可插入的look and feel 与AWT相比提供更丰富的GUI组件,引入新的特征, 并提供更丰富的功能。 -All components in Swing with Java language. Pluggable look and feel and more abundant than AWT GUI components, the introduction of new fe
- 一个Web Tab Control,使用ASP.NET 2.0开发,具有漂亮的外观-This web control is written with ASP.NET 2.0, and is based on the Web Tab Control by Mohammed Mahmoud and shSimplePanel, but this control has enhanced design time support and a better look and feel.
- Administrator Home an HTML File - Admin structure and design to give an administtrator look and feel. Well suited for News Letter and Subscribtion sites
- Java 程序外观(Look and Feel) JBuilder界面插件,内含几个 Java 程序外观:Alloy1.4,苹果Machine OS风格外观 -Java Look and Feel,Alloy,Machine OS
- Nucleus CMS同样是一个支持多博客/多作者的博客软件。它在功能和开发团队上与 b2evolution 差不多,而且有很多插件和主题可供选择。Nucleus相比 b2evolution,的外观和质感更加强烈,后台也很干净。Nucleus的更新比后者更频繁,也就是说它的代码运行更频繁。-Nucleus CMS is also a multi-blog/multi-author of the blog software. Its function and development team wi
- FUDforum是一个基于PHP+MySQL/PostgreSQL构建的开源论坛系统。提供i18n支持当前FUDforum2.3已经翻译成8种语言包括中文;采用模板系统来控制界面外观;基于角色的权限控制系统;提供短消息发送平台;提供审查和回收站系统;支持附件/投票/全文搜索/IP跟踪/用户禁用/电子报/自定义Tag/排列用户等级等。 新版本增加对 Oracle 数据库的支持,可自定义用户资料域、任务调度、搜索带附件的消息、新的BBcode标签、可通过POP3/SSL 和 IMAP/SSL 导
- Skin Look and Feel 1.2.3 for Java (skinlf.jar 1.2.3)
- Look and Feel Substance 4.3
- 动态地改变程序的Look and Feel,由于JFrame、JApplet等为重量级组件,因此它的外观只与操作系统平台有关系,在相同的操作系统平台下表现出相同的外观。-Dynamically change the program s Look and Feel, due JFrame, JApplet as the heavyweight component, so it looks just a relationship with the operating system platform,